Oracle® Communications Order and Service Management

Cloud Native Deployment Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Cartridges

Release 2.1.2


June 2021

Order-to-Activate cartridges support deploying OSM instances in a cloud native environment. The integration pack generates all the required artifacts to be used by the OSM cloud native toolkit.

You perform the following tasks to use the Order-to-Activate cartridges for OSM cloud native deployments:

Generating the OSM Cloud Native Artifacts for the Order-to-Activate Solution

The Order-to-Activate integration pack generates all the required artifacts to be used by the OSM cloud native toolkit. You use the config_ALL_CloudNative configuration option in the SolutionConfig.xml Order-to-Activate configuration script to generate the artifacts.

Before generating the OSM cloud native artifacts, ensure that you have installed Design Studio and OSM plugins and that a workspace has already been created. For details about installing the Order-to-Activate components, see "Performing an Interactive Installation of the Order-to-Activate Components" in Order and Service Management Cartridge Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture.

To generate the OSM cloud native artifacts:
  1. Create a working folder and download the Order-to-Activate installer into the working folder.
  2. Unzip the Order-to-Activate installer ZIP file within the working folder.
  3. From Design Studio, import the working_folder/OSM.PIP/ archive file as an existing project.
  4. Import COM, SOM, or COM and SOM together with the solution cartridge into the workspace and upgrade the model. See "Performing an Interactive Installation of the Order-to-Activate Components" in Order and Service Management Cartridge Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture.
  5. Add the SolutionConfig.xml file from the solution cartridge that you imported to Ant view and configure it to run as the same JRE as the Eclipse workspace.
  6. Run the config_All_CloudNative Ant target.
  7. When prompted, enter d for development or p for production.
  8. Choose the topology and complex topology options as desired. The config_All_CloudNative target also runs the config_Metadata_And_ModelVariable target. Hence, there is no need to run it separately.

    After config_All_CloudNative is run successfully, the cloud native artifacts are generated. If you chose the CSO option, the artifacts are generated under OracleComms_OSM_O2A_XXX_CSO_Solution/cloud-native.

  9. Save the generated artifacts.
  10. Build your solution. If you chose the CSO option, build OracleComms_OSM_O2A_XXX_CSO_Solution.

If you chose the CSO option, the par file is generated at: OracleComms_OSM_O2A_XXX_CSO_Solution/cartridgeBin/OracleComms_OSM_O2A_XXX_CSO_Solution.par.

You use the OSM cloud native toolkit to deploy the par file to the OSM database directly.

For each solution, the generated cloud native artifacts include the following:
  • o2a_project.yaml: The yaml fragment containing all JMS resources and SAF queues. Copy this fragment into your project specification file.
  • o2a_project-instance.yaml: The yaml fragment containing all SAF connection configuration. Copy this fragment into your instance specification file.
  • o2a_users.yaml: The yaml fragment of all cartridge users defined for the solution. Copy this fragment into your project specification file.
  • o2a_users_embedded_ldap.txt: User information text file to be used by the OSM cloud native toolkit script to create Kubernetes secrets for all cartridges. These secrets are added to WebLogic embedded LDAP when the instance is created.
  • The application archive that contains the error handler for the solution. If the Order-to-Activate config option development or cso is selected, then emulators for AIA and the CSO solution are included as well.
  • Dockerfile: The Docker build file to extend a base OSM image to include the file.
  • The Linux shell script that uses the application archive and dockerfile to extend an OSM image for Order-to-Activate use.

Extending the OSM Docker Image with Additional Order-to-Activate Applications

To extend the base OSM Docker image:
  1. Change the working directory to the directory where the cloud native artifacts are generated. If you chose CSO, change the working directory to OracleComms_OSM_O2A_XXX_CSO_Solution/cloud-native/application.

  2. Build the new Docker image containing the archive by running the script.

    The following sample shows the usage:

    Usage: <parameters>
     -t o2a-image-tag-name : mandatory, the image tag name to be created. 
     -i osm-base-image-name : mandatory, the base osm image to be extended. 
     -a o2a-app-archive : mandatory, the application archive that contains O2A app artifacts. 
    For example.... 
    $ ./ \
    -t o2a-domain:7.4.1 -i osm-base:7.4.1 -a

Configuring the Specifications

In addition to the regular setup required for an instance defined by the OSM cloud native toolkit, you must perform the following additional steps:

  1. For both production and development environments, merge the contents of your Order-to-Activate solution project yaml file into your project_name.yaml file. If you chose CSO, merge the contents of the OracleComms_OSM_O2A_XXX_CSO_Solution/cloud-native/project/o2a_project.yaml file into your project_name.yaml file.
  2. For production environments, if you chose product mode when running config_ALL_CloudNative, merge the contents of your Order-to-Activate solution project file OR the OracleComms_OSM_O2A_XXX_CSO_Solution/cloud-native/project/o2a_project-instance.yaml file into your project_name-instance_name.yaml file.
  3. Edit the specification files as follows:
    $ vi spec_path/project_name.yaml # update image and add credential store as shown.
    image: O2A_image_name_and_tag
    #External Credentials Store, O2A cartridge user secret
     # Uncomment and specify Kubernetes secret suffix for external/peer applications. The prefix project_name-instance_name will be derived
     # The suffix must be in the "osmcn-cred-mapName" format
         - osm
         - uim

    If you chose product mode when running config_ALL_CloudNative, modify your project_name-instance_name.yaml to add customSecrets and safConnectionConfig sections to set up the secrets and SAF end point URL for the SAF connection.

    $ vi spec_path/project_name-instance_name.yaml 
    # add the Order-to-Activate credentials store as shown
    #Customer Credentials Store, a secret used in SAF remote connect to AIA, UIM and TOM
    # Replace all ${DOMAIN_UID} with project_name-instance_name
          - "${DOMAIN_UID}-saf-credentials-aia"
          - "${DOMAIN_UID}-saf-credentials-uim"
          - "${DOMAIN_UID}-saf-credentials-tom"
    $ vi spec_path/project_name-instance_name.yaml
     # provide the AIA t3Url under O2A_SAFImportedDestinations, 
     # UIM t3Url under O2A_UIM_SAFImportedDestinations and 
     # TOM t3Url under O2A_TOM_SAFImportedDestinations. 
     # Replace all ${DOMAIN_UID} with project_name-instance_name
    # SAF connection configuration for O2A
     - name: O2A_SAFImportedDestinations
       t3Url: t3://t3_host:t3_port
       secretName: ${DOMAIN_UID}-saf-credentials-aia
     - name: O2A_UIM_SAFImportedDestinations
       t3Url: t3://t3_host:t3_port
       secretName: ${DOMAIN_UID}-saf-credentials-uim
     - name: O2A_TOM_SAFImportedDestinations
       t3Url: t3://t3_host:t3_port
       secretName: ${DOMAIN_UID}-saf-credentials-tom

Creating Order-to-Activate Credentials and Accounts

You create the following secrets to carry credential and account information for Order-to-Activate:
  • Secrets used by SAF connection to AIA, UIM, and OSM TOM
  • Secrets used by automation in OSM and Order-to-Activate to communicate to OSM and other systems
Creating Secrets for SAF Connection to AIA, UIM and OSM TOM


Perform this task for production environments only. When configuring the config_ALL_CloudNative option, if you chose development, the solution uses emulators and you do not need to create secrets for SAF connection.

The credentials used to obtain connection to other systems via SAF are stored as Kubernetes secrets.

To create the secrets for SAF remote context to AIA, UIM, and TOM, run the following command:
kubectl create secret generic project_name-instance_name-saf-credentials-aia -n project_name --from-literal=username='aia_weblogic_user_name' --from-literal=password='aia_weblogic_user_password'

kubectl create secret generic project_name-instance_name-saf-credentials-uim -n project_name --from-literal=username='uim_weblogic_user_name' --from-literal=password='uim_weblogic_user_password'

kubectl create secret generic project_name-instance_name-saf-credentials-tom -n project_name --from-literal=username='tom_weblogic_user_name' --from-literal=password='tom_weblogic_user_password'
Creating Secrets for Order-to-Automate Automation Users

The Order-to-Activate user credentials are persisted to a cartridge credential secret in Kubernetes. This uses the osm map name and is available via the OSM automation framework in the cartridge automation plugin code. In addition, the automation users must have accounts in embedded LDAP.

To create the secret and embedded user accounts:
  1. Populate your project.yaml file with the list of cartridgeUsers from the o2a_users.yaml file. If you chose CSO, the list of cartridge users is located in the OracleComms_OSM_O2A_XXX_CSO_Solution/cloud-native/project/o2a_users.yaml file.
        # cartridge users for o2a
         - osm
         - osmoe
         - osmde
         - osmfallout
         - osmoelf
         - osmlfaop
         - osmlf
  2. Copy the o2a_users_embedded_ldap.txt Order-to-Activate user file to $OSM_CNTK/samples/credentials. If you chose CSO, the user file is located in the OracleComms_OSM_O2A_XXX_CSO_Solution/cloud-native/project directory.
  3. Run the $OSM_CNTK/samples/credentials/ script to create the Kubernetes secret:
    $ chmod 777 $OSM_CNTK/samples/credentials/
    $ $OSM_CNTK/samples/credentials/ -p project_name -i instance_name -c create -f $OSM_CNTK/samples/credentials/o2a_users_embedded_ldap.txt

Oracle Communications Order and Service Management Cloud Native Deployment Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Cartridges, Release 2.1.2


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