VSM GUI Initial Site-Specific Configuration

Site configuration is required as a part of the initial VSM GUI installation process.


Ingest must be disabled before you add or change any value in the site configuration.

This information includes the set of tapeplexes from which data will be collected, the set of hosts connected to each tapeplex, and the values for various alert conditions that VSM GUI supports and displays.

Site configuration is where you define local site-specific information that VSM GUI requires to operate correctly.


For a VSMc configuration, each VSMc represents a tapeplex and each node of a VSMc represents a host for accessing that tapeplex.

Additionally, site configuration is where you define which users in your LDAP directory can access VSM GUI and the type of access that is allowed on each tapeplex for each user.

Site Configuration Tasks

Site configuration tasks include the following:

  • For each supported tapeplex, supply tapeplex names and severity level of log file messages

  • For each tapeplex, determine whether data for all VTVs or just initialized VTVs is to be collected

  • For each tapeplex, provide connection details for each connected host

  • Ensure there is at least one HTTP server defined for each tapeplex. VSM GUI can only collect data and display data from the defined HTTP server.

  • Ensure that each configured host runs a version of ELS supported by VSM GUI

  • Provide LDAP user names who may access VSM GUI. Optionally, provide Email addresses.

  • Assign user roles for each user on each tapeplex. The user role defines the set of VSM GUI pages available. If a user has no access for a tapeplex, then the user will not see data for that tapeplex.

  • Define alert levels for each tapeplex

  • Define VTSSs in each tapeplex and alert levels for each VTSS

  • The default database update configuration can be altered, if required. Several site configuration properties are editable to fine-tune host cycle times and batch record sizes for your site.

Required Site Data

You must collect the following information before performing site configuration:

  • A list of tapeplex names for which data will be collected

  • For each tapeplex, a list of connected hosts and a list of connected VTSSs

  • For each connected host, the host name or IP address, the SMC HTTP server port number, and the ELS version. For pre-ELS 7.3.1 VSMc hosts, the SMC subsystem name and ELS subsystem name are also required.

  • A list of LDAP user names that will be allowed access to VSM GUI

  • For each LDAP user name, the name of the tapeplex or tapeplexes they may access

  • For each LDAP user name, the user role on each tapeplex they may access

VSM GUI User Names and User Role Definitions

VSM users can be any user names in your site's LDAP directory. The user name and login password for VSM GUI are the same as the user's LDAP login and password.

For each tapeplex a user is allowed to access, a user role is assigned that governs the level of VSM GUI access the user is allowed for that tapeplex.

There are three user roles:

  • VsmViewer: Accesses the Status and Display tabs, and the Administration – Database Update Log option, with no access to context menus, the Management and VSM Console tabs, and the other Administration options, on the specified tapeplex

  • VsmOperator: Accesses the Status, Display, Management, VSM Console and Administration – Database Update Log option, with no access to other Administration options, on the specified tapeplex

  • VsmGuiAdmin: Accesses the Status, Display, and Administration tabs (excluding access to context menus) across all tapeplexes

An LDAP user was identified during VM system configuration as the first VSM GUI user. This user's role is VsmGuiAdmin. You will log in as this user to perform initial site configuration.

Site Configuration Procedures

Site configuration procedures for VSM GUI are on the Administration menu. The procedures are in the form of a multi-page Site Configuration Wizard that steps you through the site configuration process.

To perform site configuration:

  1. Open a browser to the static host IP address you defined for VSM GUI during VM system configuration.

  2. At the login prompt, log in to VSM GUI using the LDAP user name you defined as the administrator during VM system configuration.

  3. At the Dashboard, click the Administration tab and select Site Configuration to open the Site Configuration Wizard.

  4. At the Introduction page, review the displayed information and then click Next Page to begin the configuration process.

  5. At the Configure Supported Tapeplexes page, define the tapeplexes and the hosts that are connected to each tapeplex. Then click Next Page.

  6. At the Configure Application Users page, define the LDAP user names that will be allowed VSM GUI access, the tapeplexes each user will be allowed to access, and the user's role for each accessible tapeplex. Then click Next Page.

  7. At the Configure Alert Levels page, define the critical alert level thresholds for each VTSS in each supported tapeplex. Then click Next Page.

  8. At the Configuration Properties page, fine-tune host cycle times and batch record sizes for your site if desired. Then click Next Page.

  9. At the Summary page, review the configuration settings to ensure they are complete and accurate. To make changes, click Previous Page and Next Page to navigate among the pages.

  10. When you are finished, click Done to close the Site Configuration Wizard. A dialog is displayed. Click OK to close the Site Configuration tab.


All site configuration data must be defined during the initial site configuration process but can be modified at any time.