oVTCS Console System Configuration

Skip this section if VSM GUI was installed and configured on a VMware x86-64 server in the previous section.

Follow the instructions below if VSM GUI is installed as an LDOM on a VSMc server.


The procedures that follow assume that the VSM GUI application is already configured in the VSMc as described separately in the VSM console Installation, Configuration, and Service Guide. Ensure that this has already been done before continuing.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Access the new LDOM by opening a command terminal using TUI or Putty (terminal session):

    Username: oracle

    Password: vsm6SQLadm

  2. Start Oracle Database:

    $ sqlplus /nolog

    SQL> connect sys as sysdba; (password vsm6sqladm)

    SQL> startup;

    SQL> quit

    $ lsnrctl start

  3. Start Pre-Configuration Weblogic Services:

    $ sudo svcadm enable wladmin

    Wait for the service to come online (for example, ex - $ svcs wladmin). Then start the wlmanaged service:

    $ sudo svcadm enable wlmanaged

  4. Configure Weblogic to access the LDAP server for authentication using either Open LDAP or Microsoft Active Services. See LDAP Configuration for Weblogic.

  5. Stop Weblogic:

    $ sudo svcadm disable wlmanaged

    Wait at least one minute. The service may report disabled sooner than it is.

    $ sudo svcadm disable wladmin

    The service should resolve to maintenance mode after this initial pre-configuration.

    $ sudo svcadm disable wladmin

  6. Perform Post-Weblogic configuration:

    $ cd /opt/vsmgui/scripts

    $ ./vsmGui_wlconfig.sh

    The script will report the new weblogic and new ingest services are disabled:


    disabled 14:08:28 svc:/application/weblogic:default


    disabled 14:08:32 svc:/application/ingest:default

  7. Start Weblogic with Post-Configuration service:

    $ sudo svcadm enable weblogic

  8. Add an existing LDAP user that will be the VSM GUI administrator:

    $ cd /opt/vsmgui/scripts

    $ ./vsmGui_user.sh

  9. Optional: Restore VSM GUI LDOM site configuration from another LDOM install. If this is an upgrade to a previous LDOM install and you backed up the site configuration file from previous deployment, perform the following steps:

    1. Copy siteConfigData.sql to /export/home/oracle.

    2. Run the following to restore site configuration:

      $ cd /opt/vsmgui/scripts

      $ ./siteConfigCopy.sh restore

  10. Perform required site configuration. See VSM GUI Initial Site-Specific Configuration.