VSM GUI Standalone VM Software Installation

Follow the instructions below if VSM GUI is to be downloaded and installed on a VMware x86-64 server.

Skip this section if VSM GUI is pre-installed as an LDOM on a VSMc server. See oVTCS Console System Configuration.

Product Distribution Medium

The VSM GUI web application is distributed using a Virtual Machine (VM). The VM environment contains the operating system and software stack required to access VSM GUI. You will ingest the VM into a VMware environment at your site. The distribution type is Open Virtualization Format (OVA).

VM Resource Requirements

For best VSM GUI application performance, the following minimum resources should be allocated for the product VM:

  • 32 GB memory

  • 80 GB virtual disk space

  • 4 CPU

VM Software Versions

The VM for the VSM GUI application works with the following VM environments:


  • VMware ESXi: 5.1.0, Build 1483097

  • vSphere Client: 5.1.0, Build 1471691


    Use a ESXi version that meets requirements for the VM server CPUs.

VM System OS/Software Stack Details

Third party software components installed and configured to support the VSM GUI application include:

Operating System: Oracle Linux 6.7

  • Hostname: vsmguisvr

  • User: vsmgui (customer access only)

  • User: oracle

Web server: Weblogic 12.1.3

Database: Oracle Database 12c Release - 64bit Production

Download VSM GUI Software

  1. Access the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website at the following URL:


  2. Click Sign In and enter your credentials as prompted.

  3. Locate the StorageTek VSM GUI software in the Product search box and then select the Linux x86-64 platform. When you have the correct product and platform in the Selected Products box, click Continue.

  4. Available versions of the product are displayed, with the current release pre-selected. If this is correct, click Continue.

  5. Review and accept the terms of the license agreements and click Continue.

  6. When the files to download are displayed, click Download All. The files are downloaded to the location you specify.

  7. The downloaded files are .zip files. You may need to unzip them:

    • If the files were downloaded to a UNIX/LINUX system, run the unzip command on each file.

    • If the files were downloaded to a Windows system, Windows Explorer will unzip them when you open them.

  8. Use the md5sum utility to verify the downloaded files:

    • On a UNIX/LINUX system, use the command:

      md5sum -c VSMGUI_file_parts.md5sum

    • On a Windows system, Microsoft provides a free Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier (fciv.exe) which can be downloaded for this.

    The md5sum file is ASCII text.

  9. Combine the .ova file parts to create the full .ova file.

    • On a UNIX/LINUX system, use the command:

      cat VSMGUI_n.ova.a* > VSMGUI_n.ova

      where n is the version number in the file names, such as

    • On a Windows system, from a DOS window, execute the provided batch file, cat_parts.bat.

  10. Use the md5sum utility to verify the complete .ova file is correct:

    • On a UNIX/LINUX system, use the command:

      mdsum -c VSMGUI_n.ova.md5sum

      where n is the version number in the file name, such as

    • On a Windows system, Microsoft provides a free Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier (fciv.exe) which can be downloaded for this.

    The md5sum file is ASCII text.

  11. Review the VSM GUI Release Notes for this release before proceeding.

VM System Deploy for VMware Environments

  1. On a Windows PC or server, install VMware vSphere Client software version 5.1.0, Build 1471691.

  2. Start VMware vSphere Client and log in using credentials created at install time.

    A Security Warning may be displayed for the Certificate. If so, click Ignore.

  3. Optional: Save VM configuration from previous OVA install. If this is an upgrade to a previous OVA install and configuration, perform the following steps:

    1. Save the current site configuration:

      $ cd /opt/vsmgui/scripts

      $ ./siteConfigCopy.sh save

    2. Back up the site configuration and LDAP configuration to a PC or server:



  4. Deploy VM using the VMGUI_n.ova file by selecting Deploy OVF Template on the File menu.


    If this is the first time the client software has been executed, the Home screen may be initially displayed. If so, click the Inventory icon and then deploy the OVF template as instructed above.
  5. Follow the prompts in the Deploy OVF wizard as follows:

    1. Source: Select the source location by browsing to the VMGUI_n.ova file. Then click Next.

    2. OVF Template Details: Click Next to continue.

    3. Name and Location: Enter a name and location for the deployed template. This should be a name that communicates the VM type and version number (for example, VSM_GUI_1. Then click Next.

    4. Storage: Select the data storage for this VM. Then click Next.

    5. Disk Format: Select Thick Provision Eager Zeroed. Then click Next.

    6. Network Mapping: Select the source network from the network inventory. Then click Next.

    7. Ready to Complete: The deployment settings are displayed and you are asked if these are the options to use.

      If not correct, click Back and correct the settings.

      If correct, select Power On After Deployment. Then click Finish.

VM System Configuration

  1. Access the new VM:

    1. Select the new VSM GUI VM in the left pane list of virtual machines.

    2. Select the Console tab in the main right pane. You may need to click the Console screen to display the desktop login.

    3. Log in to Linux desktop:

      Username: vsmgui

      Password: vsm6admin

  2. Open a command terminal and execute Linux/System configuration:

    $ cd /opt/vsmgui/scripts

    $ ./vsmGui_config.sh

  3. Complete all configuration prompts:

    1. At Would you like to configure/reconfigure Network?, select y.

    2. At Select Action, select Device Configuration and press Enter.

    3. At Select a Device, select eth0 and press Enter.

    4. At Network Configuration, enter the network configuration data for your site.

      Do not change Name: eth0 or Device: eth0.

      At Use DHCP [*], use the space bar to clear DHCP.

      Fill in the Static IP, Netmask, Default Gateway IP, and optionally the primary and secondary DNS Servers.

      Select OK to complete device configuration and then select Save to save it.

    5. Enter DNS configuration. This step is optional. Configuration for DNS does not directly affect the use of the VSM GUI application.

      Select DNS Configuration and fill in the IP addresses for the primary DNS server and, if available, the secondary and tertiary DNS servers, and also the DNS Search Path, such as mycompany.com. Do not change Hostname: vsmguisvr.

      Select OK to complete DNS configuration and then select Save&Quit to save it and exit from Network Configuration.

    6. Complete the prompts for Time Zone and NTP Server Configuration.

  4. When prompted to reboot the system, enter y to continue.

  5. After the system restarts, open a command terminal and start Oracle Database service:

    $ su – oracle (password = vsm6sqladm!)

    $ sqlplus /nolog

    SQL> connect sys as sysdba; (password = vsm6sqladm)

    SQL> startup;

    SQL> quit

    $ lsnrctl start

    $ exit

  6. Set up the database. As user vsmgui, enter the following commands:

    $ cd /opt/vsmgui/scripts

    $ ./vsmGui_import.sh

  7. Add an existing LDAP user that will be the VSM GUI administrator:

    $ cd /opt/vsmgui/scripts

    $ ./vsmGui_user.sh

  8. Optional: Restore VM configuration from previous OVA install.

    If this is an upgrade to a previous OVA install and you backed up the configuration files during VM system deployment, perform the following steps:

    1. Copy siteConfigData.sql to /home/vsmgui

    2. Copy config.xml to /opt/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/vsmgui/config/config.xml

    3. Run the following to restore site configuration:

      $ cd /opt/vsmgui/scripts

      $ ./siteConfigCopy.sh restore

  9. With the Oracle Database online, start the Weblogic Service:

    $ sudo service weblogicd start

    The command will direct output to the terminal during startup. After a prompt is returned, status can also be verified using the following command:

    $ sudo service weblogicd status

  10. Configure Weblogic to access the LDAP server for authentication using either Open LDAP or Microsoft Active Services. See LDAP Configuration for Weblogic.

  11. Restart Weblogic after completing LDAP configuration:

    $ sudo service weblogicd stop

    $ sudo service weblogicd start

  12. Perform required site configuration. See VSM GUI Initial Site-Specific Configuration.