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User Data Repository Alarms, KPIs, and Measurements
Release 12.4
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Ud Client Measurements

The measurements in the Ud Client Measurements table appear in one of the four Ud client measurement reports available from the Main Menu > Measurements > Report GUI option:
  • Ud Client Exception
  • Ud Client LDAP Interface
  • Ud Client Performance
  • Ud Client SOAP Interface

Table 5-7 Ud Client Measurements

Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
Ud Client Exceptions
EvUdBindRequestTimedOut Total number of LDAP Bind requests which timed out before a response was received. 5 min
EvUdLDAPIdleConnectionDropped Total number of times an LDAP connection has been disconnected after requests have been sent, but no data has been received within the configured time period. 5 min
EvUdLDAPTCPSendBufferFull Total number of times an attempt to send an LDAP Search request on a connection has failed because the TCP/IP send buffer is full. 5 min
EvUdNotifyDeleteSubscriberFailed Total number of subscribers indicated as deleted in a SOAP Notify request where the subscriber failed to be deleted. 5 min
EvUdNotifyFieldUpdateFailure Total number of individual notifications within a SOAP Notify request which attempted to update a field to an invalid value according to the field definition in the SEC. 5 min
EvUdNotifyRequestTimeout Total number of SOAP Notify requests that were sent by the Ud Client application to the UDR BE for which no response was received within the expected time period. 5 min
EvUdNotifyUnexpectedUpdateField Total number of individual notifications within a SOAP Notify request which contained an updated field value in an unexpected SOAP Notify field. 5 min
EvUdNotifyUpdateFailed Total number of individual notifications within a SOAP Notify request which were valid, resulted in the subscriber Profile needing to be updated, but the Profile failed to be updated. 5 min
EvUdReSearchDeleteFailed Total number of LDAP Search requests for re-reading a subscriber which indicated that the subscriber was unknown on the Ud Server, and the subscriber failed to be deleted. 5 min
EvUdReSearchProfileUpdateFailed Total number of LDAP Search requests for re-reading a subscriber where the returned data was different to the existing subscriber data thus requiring a subscriber Profile update, and the subscriber Profile update failed. 5 min
EvUdSearchCannotSend Total number of times an attempt to send an LDAP Search request has failed because no LDAP connection was available to send it upon. 5 min
EvUdShCreateSubFailed Total number of failed attempts to create an auto-enrolled subscriber via the Sh interface. 5 min
EvUdSOAPIdleConnectionDropped Total number of times a SOAP connection has been disconnected after requests have been sent, but no data has been received within the configured time period. 5 min
EvUdSOAPTCPSendBufferFull Total number of times an attempt to send a SOAP Subscribe request on a connection has failed because the TCP/IP send buffer is full. 5 min
EvUdSubscribeCannotSend Total number of times an attempt to send a SOAP Search request has failed because no SOAP connection was available to send it upon. 5 min
EvUdSubscribeDeleteFailed Total number of Ud Subscribe requests which resulted in an "Unknown Subscriber" response, and the subscriber failed to be deleted. 5 min
EvUdSubscribeRequestTimedOut Total number of SOAP Subscribe requests that timed out before a response was received. 5 min
EvUdSubscribeUpdateFailed Total number of successful Ud Subscribe attempts where the subscribers "last subscribe time" failed to be updated. 5 min
RxUdBindResponseAuthenticationFailed Total number of LDAP Bind requests which resulted in a response indicating "Authentication Failed." 5 min
RxUdBindResponseFailed Total number of LDAP Bind requests which resulted in a response indicating "Failure." 5 min
RxUdNotifyRequestTooMuchData Total number of SOAP Notify requests received that were too large to process. 5 min
RxUdNotifyRequestInvalidKey Total number of SOAP Notify requests received that contained a DN/objectClass from which a valid key type could not be deduced. 5 min
RxUdNotifyResponseRequestNotFound Total number of SOAP Notify responses received by the Ud Client application from the UDR BE where the corresponding SOAP Notify request could not be found in the list of outstanding requests. 5 min
RxUdSearchRequestTimedOut Total number of LDAP Search requests which timed out before a response was received. 5 min
RxUdSearchResponseAuthenticationFailed Total number of LDAP Search responses received which indicated "Authentication Failed." 5 min
RxUdSearchResponseRequestNotFound Total number of LDAP Search responses received where the initiating request could not be found in the list of outstanding requests. 5 min
RxUdSearchResponseTimeout Total number of LDAP Search responses received which indicated "Timeout." 5 min
RxUdSubscribeResInvldCorrelationHeader Total number of SOAP Subscribe responses received that contained an invalid correlation header. 5 min
RxUdSubscribeResponseRequestNotFound Total number of SOAP Subscribe responses received where the initiating request could not be found in the list of outstanding requests. 5 min
TxUdNotifyResponseSendFailed Total number of SOAP Notify responses received which failed to be send on the SOAP connection. 5 min
TxUdrBeUdSearchRequestSendFailed Total number of Ud Search requests that failed to be sent from the UDR BE to the Ud Client application. 5 min
TxUdrBeUdUnsubscribeRequestSendFailed Total number of Ud Subscribe requests to unsubscribe that failed to be sent from the UDR BE to the Ud Client application. 5 min
TxUdBindRequestSendFailed Total number of LDAP Bind requests which failed to be sent. 5 min
TxUdReSearchFailedInitiate Total number of Ud Subscribe requests that failed to be sent from the UDR BE to the Ud Client application. 5 min
TxUdReSubscribeFailedInitiate Total number of Ud Subscribe requests that failed to be sent from the Ud-Created Audit task to the Ud Client application. 5 min
TxUdReSubscribeFailedNoValidKey Total number of LDAP Search requests for re-reading a subscriber which could not be sent, because the subscriber Profile did not contain a key that could be mapped to a valid Search DN/filter. 5 min
TxUdSearchRequestSendBufferFull Total number of times an attempt to send an LDAP Search request on a connection has failed because the TCP/IP send buffer is full. 5 min
TxUdSubscribeRequestSendBufferFull Total number of SOAP Subscribe requests that failed to be sent due to the TCP/IP send buffer being full. 5 min
TxUdSubscribeRequestSendFailed Total number of SOAP Subscribe requests that failed to be sent due to another error than the TCP/IP send buffer being full. 5 min
Ud LDAP Interface
EvUdBindRequest Total number of LDAP Bind requests attempted to be sent 5 min
EvUdLDAPConnectionBusy Total number of times an attempt to send an LDAP Search request has failed because a "Busy" error has been returned. 5 min
EvUdUnbindRequest Total number of LDAP Unbind requests attempted to be sent. 5 min
RxUdBindResponseSuccess Total number of LDAP Bind requests which resulted in a successful response. 5 min
RxUdSearchRequest Total number LDAP Search requests received by the Ud Client application. 5 min
RxUdSearchResponseBusy Total number of LDAP Search responses received which indicated the Ud Server was busy. 5 min
RxUdSearchResponseFailed Total number of LDAP Search responses received which indicated "Failed." 5 min
RxUdSearchResponseSuccess Total number of LDAP Search responses received which indicated "Success." 5 min
RxUdSearchResponseUnknownSubscriber Total number of LDAP Search responses received which indicated "Unknown Subscriber." 5 min
TxUdBindRequestSendSuccess Total number of LDAP Bind requests which were sent successfully. 5 min
TxUdUnbindRequestSent Total number of LDAP Unbind requests which were sent successfully. 5 min
UDR Client Performance
EvUdNotifyDeleteSubscriber Total number of individual notifications within a SOAP Notify request which indicated the deletion of a subscriber. 5 min
EvUdNotifyDeleteSubscriberSuccess Total number of subscribers indicated as deleted in a SOAP Notify request where the subscriber was successfully deleted. 5 min
EvUdNotifyNoUpdatesMade Total number of individual notifications within a SOAP Notify request which were valid, but did not result in the subscriber Profile being updated. 5 min
EvUdNotifySubscriberNotUdCreated Total number of individual notifications within a SOAP Notify request for which the subscriber exists, but was not Ud-Created. 5 min
EvUdNotifyUnknownSubscriber Total number of individual notifications within a SOAP Notify request for which the subscriber was not found in OCUDR. 5 min
EvUdNotifyUpdateSuccess Total number of individual notifications within a SOAP Notify request which were valid, resulted in the subscriber Profile needing to be updated, and the Profile was successfully updated. 5 min
EvUdReSearchDeleteSuccess Total number of LDAP Search requests for re-reading a subscriber which indicated that the subscriber was unknown on the Ud Server, and the subscriber was successfully deleted. 5 min
EvUdReSearchProfileDifferent Total number of LDAP Search requests for re-reading a subscriber where the returned data was different to the existing subscriber data thus requiring a subscriber Profile update. 5 min
EvUdReSearchProfileSame Total number of LDAP Search requests for re-reading a subscriber where the returned data was the same as the existing subscriber data thus not requiring a subscriber Profile update. 5 min
EvUdReSearchProfileUpdateSuccess Total number of LDAP Search requests for re-reading a subscriber where the returned data was different to the existing subscriber data thus requiring a subscriber Profile update, and the subscriber Profile update was successful. 5 min
EvUdSimultaneousAccessReq Total number of Sh requests that resulted in Ud-Creating a subscribe at the same time as another request also creating the same subscriber. 5 min
EvUdSimultaneousAccessReqProfileDiff Total number of Sh requests that resulted in Ud-Creating a subscribe at the same time as another request also creating the same subscriber where the subscriber Profile was read again, but was different to existing Profile, resulting in a subscriber Profile update. 5 min
EvUdSimultaneousAccessReqProfileSame Total number of Sh requests that resulted in Ud-Creating a subscribe at the same time as another request also creating the same subscriber where the subscriber Profile was read again, but was the same as the existing Profile. 5 min
EvUdSubscribeDeleteSuccess Total number of Ud Subscribe requests which resulted in an "Unknown Subscriber" response, and the subscriber was successfully deleted. 5 min
EvUdSubscribeUpdateSuccess Total number of successful Ud Subscribe attempts where the subscribers "last subscribe time" was updated successfully. 5 min
RxUdNotifyRequest Total number of SOAP Notify requests received by the UDR application. 5 min
RxUdrBeUdSearchResponseReceived Total number of Ud Search responses received by the UDR BE. 5 min
RxUdrBeUdSubscribeResponseReceived Total number of Ud Subscribe responses received by the UDR BE. 5 min
RxUdReSearchBusy Total number of LDAP Search requests for re-reading a subscriber which failed due to a "Busy" error. 5 min
RxUdReSearchFailed Total number of LDAP Search requests for re-reading a subscriber which failed due to an error other than "Busy" or "Unknown Subscriber." 5 min
RxUdReSearchUnknownSubscriber Total number of LDAP Search requests for re-reading a subscriber which indicated that the subscriber was unknown on the Ud Server. 5 min
RxUdShCreateSubSuccess Total number of Ud-Created subscribers created via the Sh interface. 5 min
RxUdShPurCreateMsgs Total number of PUR requests received via the Sh interface where the subscriber was unknown and Ud-Creation was triggered to create the subscriber. 5 min
RxUdShSnrCreateMsgs Total number of SNR requests received via the Sh interface where the subscriber was unknown and Ud-Creation was triggered to create the subscriber. 5 min
RxUdShUdrCreateMsgs Total number of UDR requests received via the Sh interface where the subscriber was unknown and Ud-Creation was triggered to create the subscriber. 5 min
TxUdNotifyResponseSent Total number of Ud Notify responses sent to the Ud Client application. 5 min
TxUdrBeUdSearchRequestSent Total number of Ud Search requests sent triggered by the initial Ud-Creation of a subscriber. 5 min
TxUdrBeUdUnsubscribeRequestSent Total number of Ud Subscribe requests to unsubscribe triggered by a provisioning request to delete a subscriber. 5 min
TxUdReSearchSendSearch Total number of Ud Search requests sent upon re-reading a Ud-Created subscriber. 5 min
TxUdReSearchSendThrottled Total number of Ud Search requests that were attempted to be sent as part of a re-read, but were not sent due to throttling of re-read requests. 5 min
TxUdReSubscribeSendSubscribe Total number of Ud Subscribe requests sent upon re-subscribing a Ud-Created subscriber. 5 min
TxUdSearchRequestSent Total number of LDAP Search requests sent on the LDAP interface. 5 min
TxUdSubscribeRequestInitialSent Total number of Ud Subscribe requests sent triggered by the initial Ud-Creation of a subscriber. 5 min
TxUdSubscribeRequestSent Total number of Ud Subscribe requests sent on the SOAP interface. 5 min
Ud SOAP Interface
EvUdSOAPConnectionBusy Total number of times an attempt to send a SOAP Subscribe request has failed because a "Busy" error has been returned. 5 min
RxUdNotifyRequestBusy Total number of SOAP Notify requests rejected because OCUDR was too busy. 5 min
RxUdNotifyRequestDiscarded Total number of SOAP Notify requests received without a SOAP header. 5 min
RxUdNotifyRequestInvalidRequest Total number of SOAP Notify requests received that did not comply to the expected format. 5 min
RxUdNotifyRequestReceived Total number of SOAP Notify requests received by the SOAP Interface. 5 min
RxUdNotifyRequestValid Total number of SOAP Notify requests that were sent by the Ud Client application to the UDR BE. 5 min
RxUdNotifyResponseBusy Total number of SOAP Notify responses received by the Ud Client application from the UDR BE indicating the result "Busy." 5 min
RxUdNotifyResponseFailed Total number of SOAP Notify responses received by the Ud Client application from the UDR BE indicating the result "Failed." 5 min
RxUdNotifyResponseInvalidRequest Total number of SOAP Notify responses received by the Ud Client application from the UDR BE indicating the result "Invalid Request." 5 min
RxUdNotifyResponseSuccess Total number of SOAP Notify responses received by the Ud Client application from the UDR BE indicating the result "Success." 5 min
RxUdNotifyResponseUnknownSubscriber Total number of SOAP Notify responses received by the Ud Client application from the UDR BE indicating the result "Unknown Subscriber." 5 min
RxUdSubscribeRequest Total number SOAP Subscribe requests received by the Ud Client application. 5 min
RxUdSubscribeResponseFailed Total number of SOAP Subscribe responses received which indicated "Failed." 5 min
RxUdSubscribeResponseReceived Total number of SOAP Subscribe responses received. 5 min
RxUdSubscribeResponseSuccess Total number of SOAP Subscribe responses received which indicated "Success." 5 min
RxUdSubscribeResponseUnknownSubscriber Total number of SOAP Subscribe responses received which indicated "Unknown Subscriber." 5 min
RxUdUnsubscribeRequest Total number SOAP Unsubscribe requests received by the Ud Client application. 5 min
TxUdSubscribeRequestSubscribeSent Total number of SOAP Subscribe requests which indicate a request to "subscribe" to subscriber data change notifications that were successfully sent. 5 min
TxUdSubscribeRequestUnsubscribeSent Total number of SOAP Subscribe requests which indicate a request to "unsubscribe" to subscriber data change notifications that were successfully sent. 5 min