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User Data Repository Diameter Common
Release 12.4
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Main menu options

The menu options that appear on the screen differ according to whether you are logged into an SDS or DP SOAM. Table 2-2 describes all main menu user interface options.


The menu options can differ according to the permissions assigned to the log-in account for a user. For example, the Administration menu options would not appear on the screen of a user who does not have administrative privileges.

Table 2-2 SDS Main Menu User Interface Options

Menu Item Function
Administration The Administration menu allows you to:
  • Set up and manage user accounts
  • Configure group permissions
  • View session information
  • Authorize IP addresses to access the user interface
  • Configure options including, but not limited to, password history and expiration, login message, welcome message, and the number of failed login attempts before an account is disabled
  • Configure SNMP services
  • Validate and transfer ISO files
  • Prepare, initiate, monitor, and complete upgrades
  • View the software versions report
Configuration Provides access to configuring network elements, servers, server groups, and systems.
Alarms & Events Lists active alarms and alarm history.
Security Log Allows you to view and export security log data.
Status & Manage Allows you to monitor the statuses of server processes, both collectively and individually, as well as perform actions required for server maintenance. Also allows you to view the status of file management systems, and to manage data files on servers throughout the system.
Measurements Allows you to view, modify, import, and export measurement data.
Communication Agent Provides infrastructure features and services for enabling inter-server communication.
SDS Provides maintenance and configuration options related to SDS.
Help Launches the online help system for the user interface.
Logout Allows you to log out of the user interface.