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Oracle® Healthcare Foundation Application Toolkit Installation Guide
Release 7.1

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Oracle® Healthcare Foundation

Application Toolkit Installation Guide

Release 7.1


September 2016

Oracle Healthcare Foundation provides a standalone Application Toolkit installer that supports the installation of Healthcare Common Data Mart (HCD) data model and packages Self-Service Analytics HCD RPD. This enables you to build downstream applications for Oracle Healthcare Foundation without the need to install the complete product.

The components in the Application Toolkit installer are intended to be used for downstream applications development purpose only. Oracle does not recommend you to use this in the production environment.

This document explains the installation of Oracle Healthcare Foundation Application Toolkit. The user installing this component should have knowledge of Oracle, Linux or Windows operating system (OS). This installer lets you install the Healthcare Common Data mart (HCD) Data Model.

This chapter contains the following topics:

1 Software Requirements

The following is a list of software requirements:

Application Toolkit HCD

  • Oracle Linux 6.5 or above (64-bit) or Window (64 -bit) OS

  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

  • Python 2.6.6

Self-Service Analytics

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE)

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client Tools

  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8 Update 91 (JRE 1.8 u91) or above

2 Supported Upgrade Path

The following is the supported upgrade path:

  • Application Toolkit 7.0.1 to 7.1

3 Media Pack Content

The media pack from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud (OSDC) contains the installer for:

  • Oracle Healthcare Foundation Application Toolkit Linux (

  • Oracle Healthcare Foundation Application Toolkit Windows (

4 General Guidelines for Installation

  • Use Linux X-windows for the Linux Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) installation (Linux Graphical User Interface).

  • Before running the installer, make sure that the ORACLE_HOME and PATH environment variables are setup in your session.

    For example,


    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/121020 export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin

  • When re-executing the installer due to a failure, enter the same details in the question prompting phase at all times. Do not delete any objects in the installation folder.

  • Convert the installer execution shell to SH shell as the installer script executes in the SH shell of Linux OS.

5 Prerequisites

The following are the prerequisites to install the HCD data model:

  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition.

  • Python 2.6.6 environment variable is set.

  • Make sure that the password expiry notification message does not display for the Sys and system schemas.

  • NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter set to either CHAR or BYTE, based on your requirements.

    For Oracle Healthcare Foundation Globalization Support information, see Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide and set your database character set accordingly.

  • Database connection through SERVICE_NAME enabled.

    You can verify the database connectivity using the following command:

    SQL>connect <username>@<hostname>:<port number>/<service name>

6 Installation Log Files

While installing HCD Data Model, the installer generates the following log files:

  • installActions<timestamp>.log - Records the action of the installer and can be used to diagnose issues with the installer.

  • oraInstall<timestamp>.out - Records the output of the SQL scripts run by the installer. Database objects are installed using the Python framework.

  • oraInstall<timestamp>.err -Records the errors from the SQL scripts run by the installer.

    The log files are time stamped and each installation session creates a new log file. The log files are located at <ORACLE_BASE>/oraInventory/logs.

    For example,

    Linux - /u01/app/oraInventory/logs

    Windows - C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs

  • <INSTALL_HOME>/at/install.err - This file gets generated only when there are any SQL errors. Database objects are installed using the Python framework and the error logging is redirected to this location.

    While reporting any problems that occur during installation, make sure that you include all the above log files.

7 Installing the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Application Toolkit from Linux Operating System

To install the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Application Toolkit from the Linux OS, perform the following steps:

  1. Extract the contents of the Oracle Healthcare Foundation media pack to your system.

  2. Navigate to the <media_pack_location>/ folder.

  3. Unzip the file where you want to launch the installer using the following command:

    unzip -a

  4. Navigate to the Disk1/install folder.

  5. Change the protection on files as follows:

    chmod 755 *

  6. Start the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) using the following command:

    • Database server is on the machine where the installer is running, execute:

      sh -local

    • Database server is on a different machine, execute:

      sh -local remote_installation=true

    where, the -local option is to install on the local node irrespective of the cluster nodes specified on the installer machine.

    The Welcome screen appears.

  7. Click Next. The Specify Home Details screen appears.

  8. Enter the installation home name and location.

  9. Click Next. The Oracle Client Home Configuration screen appears.

  10. Specify the Oracle client home path. The installer validates this path.

  11. Click Next. The Database Configuration screen appears.

  12. Enter values for the following fields:

    • Host name - By default, the system host name appears

    • Port - By default, the port number is 1521. You can edit this field if required.

    • Service name

    • System user password

    • Sys user password

  13. Click Next. The Healthcare Common Data Mart Configuration screen appears.

  14. Enter values for the following fields:

    • Common data mart schema name

    • Common data mart schema password

  15. Click Next. The Tablespace details screen appears.

  16. Specify the default tablespace details for the HCD schema. Enter values for the following fields:

    • Tablespace name

    • Initial size

    • Maximum size - By default, this is set to UNLIMITED.

  17. Click Next. The Temporary Tablespace details screen appears.

  18. Specify the temporary tablespace details for Common datamart schema. Enter values for the following fields:

    • Tablespace name

    • Initial size

    • Maximum size - By default, this is set to UNLIMITED.

  19. Click Next. The Tablespace Data File Location screen appears.

  20. Specify the location of the Tablespace data files. This is the directory on the database server where the data files are created during the installation.

    For example,



    The installer does not validate the tablespace location entered. Ensure that the tablespace location physically exists if the database server is on the remote server. Else, the installer will fail during installation.
  21. Click Next. The Verify Configuration Parameters screen appears.

  22. Click Next. The Summary screen appears.

  23. Click Install.

  24. After the installation is complete, the End of Installation screen appears.

  25. Review the generated installation log files for errors. For details on troubleshooting, see Section 10.

  26. Contact Oracle support, if necessary, to resolve any errors.

8 Installing the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Application Toolkit from Windows Operating System

To install the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Application Toolkit from the Window OS, perform the following steps:

  1. Extract the contents of the Oracle Healthcare Foundation media pack to your system.

  2. Navigate to the <media_pack_location>/ folder.

  3. Unzip the file where you want to launch the installer.

  4. Navigate to the Disk1/install folder.

  5. Start the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) using the following command:

    • Database server is on the machine where the installer is running, execute:


    • Database server is on a different machine, execute:

      setup.exe remote_installation=true

    The Welcome screen appears.

  6. Click Next. The Specify Home Details screen appears.

  7. Enter the installation home name and location.

  8. Click Next. The Oracle Client Home Configuration screen appears.

  9. Specify the Oracle client home path. The installer validates this path.

  10. Click Next. The Database Configuration screen appears.

  11. Enter values for the following fields:

    • Host name - By default, the system host name appears

    • Port - By default, the port number is 1521. You can edit this field if required.

    • Service name

    • System user password

    • Sys user password

  12. Click Next. The Healthcare Common Data Mart Configuration screen appears.

  13. Enter values for the following fields:

    • Common data mart schema name

    • Common data mart schema password

  14. Click Next. The Tablespace details screen appears.

  15. Specify the default tablespace details for the HCD schema. Enter values for the following fields:

    • Tablespace name

    • Initial size

    • Maximum size - By default, this is set to UNLIMITED.

  16. Click Next. The Temporary Tablespace details screen appears.

  17. Specify the temporary tablespace details for Common datamart schema. Enter values for the following fields:

    • Tablespace name

    • Initial size

    • Maximum size - By default, this is set to UNLIMITED.

  18. Click Next. The Tablespace Data File Location screen appears.

  19. Specify the location of the Tablespace data files. This is the directory on the database server where the data files are created during the installation.

    For example,



    The installer does not validate the tablespace location entered. Ensure that the tablespace location physically exists if the database server is on the remote server. Else, the installer will fail during installation.
  20. Click Next. The Verify Configuration Parameters screen appears.

  21. Click Next. The Summary screen appears.

  22. Click Install.

  23. After the installation is complete, the End of Installation screen appears.

  24. Review the generated installation log files for errors. For details on troubleshooting, see Section 10.

  25. Contact Oracle support, if necessary, to resolve any errors.

9 Installing the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Self-Service Analytics

This section describes how to install Oracle Healthcare Foundation Self-Service Analytics. It contains the following topics:

9.1 Overview

Oracle Healthcare Foundation Self-Service Analytics is available in the or file of the media pack.

The following is the structure of the Self-Service Analytics package:





It consists of the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) RPD file for the Healthcare Common Data Mart, which is used for Self-Service Analytics.

9.2 Prerequisites

For prerequisites, see Section 1. In addition, the following is required:

  • Oracle Healthcare Foundation Application Toolkit Healthcare Common Data Mart

9.3 Installing the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Self-Service Analytics

To install the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Self-Service Analytics, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the selfserviceanalytics folder in the media pack.

  2. Open the RPD file, ohf_ssa_hcd.rpd, available in the selfserviceanalytics\hcd_rpd folder using the Oracle BI Administration Tool, and perform the following steps:

    1. Navigate to Manage > Variables, update the default value of puser variable to point to the HCD schema name, and click OK.

    2. In the Physical layer, navigate to localhost > Properties > Connection Pools, and double-click Relation Connection.

      - Update the Data source name with the database host name, port number, and service name.

      - Update the HCD schema password.

    3. In the Physical layer, rename the physical schema hcd with the HCD schema name.

  3. Save the ohf_ssa_hcd.rpd file and deploy it on the OBIEE server for analytics and reporting.

For details on deploying the RPD file, see Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition documentation.

10 Troubleshooting

If the installation fails, open the log file for errors. For the log file details, see Section 6.

You must fix the issues and rerun the installer from the installation home location.

11 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Healthcare Foundation Application Toolkit Installation Guide, Release 7.1


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