Exporting Trust and Identity for Clients

You can provide the keys and certificates required to allow Oracle BI EE clients (for example the Administration Tool, and Job Manager) to connect to SSL-enabled servers.


  • You run commands from master host.

  • You can complete this operation online and offline.


  • Certificates are created using either the configuration assistant or by running ./ssl.sh regenerate command.

  • SSL on WebLogic is enabled (Configuring WebLogic SSL).

  • The system can be stopped or running.

To export trust and identity for clients:

Use the following command to export client identity and trust to 'mydir':

./ssl.sh exportclientcerts mydir

Note certificates and zip file are generated.

Post Conditions

  • Mydir contains zip file clientcerts.zip

  • Mydir also contains expanded content of the zip file for immediate use:

    • clientcert.pem

    • clientkey.pem

    • identity.jks

    • internaltrust.jks

    • internaltrust/internalca.pem

    • internaltrust/<hashed form of above>

  • java clients such as Job Manager can successfully connect with secure option 'verify server certificate' set using identity.jks to define identity, and internaltrust.jks for their trust.

  • openssl clients such as the Administration Tool can successfully connect with secure option 'verify peer' set using clientcert.pem and clientkey.pem to define their identity, and internalca.pem as the trust file.