Fusion Middleware Control Help for WebLogic Server

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Create a Partition Work Manager

Configuration Options     

Use this page to create a Partition Work Manager.

Configuration Options

Name Description

The name of the Partition Work Manager.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Fair Share Value

A desired percentage of thread usage of that partition compared to the thread usage of all partitions.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 99

Minimum Threads Constraint

This imposes an upper limit on the number of standby threads that can be created for satisfying minimum threads constraints configured in a partition.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 65534

Maximum Threads Constraint

The maximum number of concurrent requests that the self-tuning thread pool can be processing on behalf of a partition at any given time.

MBean Attribute:

Shared Capacity Constraint

Total number of requests that can be present in the server for a partition, as a percentage of the sharedCapacityForWorkManagers attribute value in the OverloadProtectionMBean. This includes requests that are enqueued and those under execution.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 100

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