Domain Partition: Coherence Caches: Shared Caches
This page summarizes the shared Coherence caches that have been configured in the current WebLogic Server domain partition.
Column Display
Name Description Name The cache name.
Service The service that manages the cache.
Tier The WebLogic Server cluster tier where the cache is deployed.
Objects The total number of objects in the cache.
Puts The total number of put operations.
Gets The total number of get operations.
Hits The rough number of cache visits as represented by a get operation for which an entry exists.
Misses The rough number of cache misses.
Reads The total number of store load operations.
Writes The total number of store and erase operations.
Total Prunes The total number of prune operations.
Gets Per Minute The number of get operations per minute.
Puts Per Minute The number of put operations per minute.
Hits Per Minute The rough number of cache visits per minute.
Misses Per Minute The rough number of cache misses per minute.
Prunes Per Minute The number of prune operations per minute.
Reads Per Minute The number of store load operations per minute.
Writes Per Minute The number of store and erase operations per minute.
Average Hit Time (ms) The average time for get operations that are a hit.
Average Get Time (ms) The average time for get operations.
Average Put Time (ms) The average time for put operations.
Average Miss Time (ms) The average time for get operations that are a miss.
Average Read Time (ms) The average time for store load operations.
Average Write Time (ms) The average time for store and erase operations.
Average Prune Time (ms) The average time for prune operations.