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Diagnostics: View JMS SAF Agent Message Log Table

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This page shows you the latest contents of the JMS SAF Agent message log file.

To select log messages generated during a specific time interval, or to enter a filter expression, select Customize this table. You can set the following customizations:

Column Display

You can show fewer or additional data points on this page by expanding Customize this table and modifying the Column Display list. Each data point displays in its own table column.

The following table lists all of the data points that you can display in columns on this page.

Name Description

The date and time the message log record is generated.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog DATE column in the WLDF Archive.

Transaction ID

The transaction identifier for the transaction with which the message is associated.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog TXID column in the WLDF Archive.

Context ID

A unique identifier for a request or unit of work flowing through the system. It is included in the JMS message log to provide a correlation between events belonging to the same request.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog CONTEXTID column in the WLDF Archive.


To aid in troubleshooting high-traffic applications, the date and time the message log record is generated is displayed in milliseconds.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog TIMESTAMP column in the WLDF Archive.

Nano Timestamp

To aid in troubleshooting high-traffic applications, the date and time the message log record is generated is displayed in nanoseconds.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog NANOTIMESTAMP column in the WLDF Archive.

Message ID

The unique identifier assigned to the message.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog JMSMESSAGEID column in the WLDF Archive.

Correlation ID

A user-defined identifier for the message, often used to correlate messages about the same subject.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog JMSCORRELATIONID column in the WLDF Archive.


The fully-qualified name of the JMS destination for the message.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog DESTINATION column in the WLDF Archive.


The name of the message life cycle event that triggered the log entry.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog EVENT column in the WLDF Archive.

User ID

The ID of the user who generated the message.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog USERID column in the WLDF Archive.


If the message consumed was on a queue or the consumer was a non-durable subscriber for a topic, this will include information about the origin of the message consumer and the identifier for the consumer known to the JMS server. If the consumer is a durable subscriber, this will also include the client ID for the connection and the subscription name.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog MESSAGECONSUMER column in the WLDF Archive.


The message Selector argument from the JMS API.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog SELECTOR column in the WLDF Archive.


The content of the message body.

When specifying a WLDF query expression to filter this table, note that this column corresponds to the JMSSAFMessageLog MESSAGE column in the WLDF Archive.

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