Export P6 Professional Project Data to P6 XML or XER

Export your P6 Professional projects and project data to a P6 XML or XER file for use in Oracle Primavera Cloud. After the file is created, you can download it from the P6 Professional desktop application and import it into Primavera Cloud.

Before running the export process, you should determine if you are connected to a P6 Professional database (PPMDB schema) or a P6 EPPM database (PMDB schema). Depending on your database, some aspects of the export process may differ. In P6 Professional environments with a P6 Professional database, the export process runs locally on your machine. In environments with a P6 EPPM database, the export process runs as a remote job service from P6 EPPM. Additionally, if you have a P6 Professional database, you can export and then open the P6 XML or XER file from a location on your machine. If you have a P6 EPPM database, you can download the file from the Job Status dialog box after the job is complete. The steps below describe the export process for both database types.

To export P6 Professional projects to P6 XML or XER:

  1. In P6 Professional, open the projects you want to export.
  2. On the File menu, select Export.
  3. In the Export Format dialog box, select Primavera P6 - (XML) or Primavera PM - (XER).
  4. Select Next.
  5. In the Projects to Export section, select which open projects you want to export.


    • The Projects to Export section contains the option to include project baselines in the export.
    • P6 Professional does not support exporting project baselines in XER file format.
  6. Select Next.
  7. Do one of the following:
    1. If you are using a P6 Professional database:
      1. In the File Name section, select a destination and name for your P6 XML or XER file.
      2. Clear the Export all project level layouts check box.
      3. Select Finish. After the export completes, the file is available from the destination you chose.
    2. If you are using a P6 EPPM database:
      1. The Project Layouts section contains an option to export all project-level layouts. Choosing to export project-level layouts will export your selection of projects as a .zip file. During the import, Primavera Cloud will ignore layouts included in the .zip file since it does not support import of of P6 Professional layouts.
      2. Select Finish. The job is scheduled for export.
      3. In the Export Result dialog box, select Close.
      4. On the Tools menu, select Job Status.
      5. The Job Status dialog box displays all jobs that have been scheduled. Locate your export job. When the job is complete, select Download File.


Last Published Tuesday, May 21, 2024