Update an Integrated Resource

To update an integrated resource:

  1. Create or generate a JSON object containing the following fields, including any additional fields you want to update:
    • sourceId: The unique identifier of resource data in an external source, such as an ERP system.
  2. Send a request to the API using the following information:
    • Endpoint: https://localhost:7001/api/restapi/project/resource/syncBatch
    • Operation: POST
    • Example Request Body:
          	"sourceId": 1, 
          	"resourceStatus": "INACTIVE" 
  3. The API should return a response similar to the following:
    • Response Code: 207
    • Example Response Body:
          	"statusCode": 204, 
          	"primaryKeyName": "resourceId", 
          	"primaryKeyValue": 18002, 
          	"sourceId": 1, 
          	"message": "The object has an existing Source ID." 