View Integrated Resources

To view integrated resources:

  1. Send a request to the API using the following information:
    • Endpoint: https://localhost:7001/api/restapi/project/resource/externallySourced
    • Operation: GET
  2. The API should return a response similar to the following:
    • Response Code: 200
    • Example Response Body:
                  "isUser": false, 
                  "workspaceCode": "Example Workspace", 
                  "resourceRoleAssignments": [], 
                  "resourceWorkRates": [], 
                  "workspaceId": 30002, 
                  "sourceId": "1", 
                  "workspaceName": "Example Workspace", 
                  "resourceName": "Andy Hallman", 
                  "resourceType": "LABOR", 
                  "resourceClass": "RESOURCE", 
                  "resourceId": 18002, 
                  "codeValuesResource": [], 
                  "calendarName": "Standard 5 Day Workweek", 
                  "resourceCode": "HallmanA", 
                  "resourceTitleName": "Design Engineer", 
                  "resourceStatus": "INACTIVE", 
                  "defaultUnitsPerHour": 1, 
                  "defaultSyncUnitsFromCost": false, 
                  "calendar": 1, 
                  "updateDate": "2018-01-25T17:06:37" 
          ...more resource objects 