
The following updates were made for 21.10.



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestCalendarIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestCodeTypeIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestCostCategoryIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestCurrencyIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestCurveIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestLocationIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestMeasureIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestReasonIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestReportCycleIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestRiskMatrixIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestRiskScoreTypeIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestRuleOfCreditIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestStrategyTypeIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestUnitsOfMeasureIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityCombinedAssignUnassignRequest Dictionary This is a new entity.
copyCustomLogTypes ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject Project  
copyCustomLogTypes ApiEntityProject Project  
  ApiEntityWorkspaceAssignUnassignRequest Dictionary This is a new entity.
  CalendarIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  CodeTypeIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  CostCategoryIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  CurrencyIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  CurveIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  CustomLogTypeObjectIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  LocationIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  MeasureIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ReasonIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ReportCycleIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  RiskMatrixIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  RiskScoreTypeIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  RuleOfCreditIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  StrategyTypeIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.
  UnitsOfMeasureIdentifier Dictionary This is a new entity.


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/actualsTimePhasedData/{scopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataId} DELETE Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedData  
/actualsTimePhasedData/batch DELETE Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedData  
/dictionary/manageSharedData POST Dictionary ApiEntityCombinedAssignUnassignRequest  
/installedTimePhasedData/{scopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataId} DELETE Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedData  
/installedTimePhasedData/batch DELETE Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedData  



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
jobType ApiEntityJobDetail Action CALCULATE_PROJECT_SPREADS was added to the list of allowed values for this field.