
The following updates were made for 21.11.



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
  ApiEntityCalendarAssignUnassignRequest Dictionary This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityCalendarWorkspaceAssignUnassignRequest Dictionary This is a new entity.



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
calendars ApiEntityCombinedAssignUnassignRequest Dictionary The data type of items in the list was changed from ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestCalendarIdentifier to ApiEntityCalendarAssignUnassignRequest.
jobType ApiEntityJobDetail Action PROGRAM_SECURITY_MIGRATION, IDEA_SECURITY_MIGRATION, IDEA_USERLINK_MIGRATION were removed from the list of allowed values for this field, and CBS_SYNC was added to the list of allowed values for this field.
action ApiEntityWorkspaceAssignUnassignRequest Dictionary UPDATE was added to the list of allowed values for this field.