
The following updates were made for 23.11.



ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
ApiEntityActivityConfiguredFieldValueInput Activity  
ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity  
ApiEntityActivityInput Activity  
ApiEntityActivityUncertaintyInput Activity  
ApiEntityCodeValueActivityInput Activity  
ApiEntityBaselineInput Activity  
ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput CBS  
ApiEntityCBSTemplateCodeInput CBS  
ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowConfiguredFieldValueInput CBS  
ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS  
ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput CBS  
ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput CBS Segment  
ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput CBS Segment  
ApiEntityCodeValueDocumentInput Document  
ApiEntityDocumentConfiguredFieldValueInput Document  
ApiEntityDocumentInput Document  
ApiEntityCodeValueProgramInput Program  
ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput Program  
ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program  
ApiEntityProgramInput Program  
ApiEntityProgramLinkedObjectInput Program  
ApiEntityProgramSettingInput Program  
ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget  
ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change  
ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change  
ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Item  
ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Transfer  
ApiEntityCodeValueProgramRiskInput Program Risk  
ApiEntityProgramRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Risk  
ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk  
ApiEntityProgramRiskImpactInput Program Risk  
ApiEntityProgramRiskInput Program Risk  
ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk  
ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedOtherImpactInput Program Risk  
ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationFinancialInput Program Risk Mitigation  
ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput Program Risk Mitigation  
ApiEntityBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change  
ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change  
ApiEntityBudgetChangeTransactionInput Project Budget Change  
ApiEntityBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change  
ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change  
ApiEntityBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Item  
ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item  
ApiEntityBudgetItemInput Project Budget Item  
ApiEntityExternallySourcedBudgetItemInput Project Budget Item  
ApiEntityBudgetTransferConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Transfer  
ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer  
ApiEntityBudgetTransferTransactionInput Project Budget Transfer  
ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateCostInput Project Resource Work Rate  
ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput Project Resource Work Rate  
ApiEntityCodeValueRiskInput Project Risk  
ApiEntityProjectRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Risk  
ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk  
ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk  
ApiEntityRiskImpactInput Project Risk  
ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk  
ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedOtherImpactInput Project Risk  
ApiEntityRiskMitigationFinancialInput Project Risk Mitigation  
ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput Project Risk Mitigation  
ApiEntityCodeValueScopeItemInput Scope Item  
ApiEntityScopeItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item  
ApiEntityScopeItemInput Scope Item  
ApiEntityCodeValueScopeItemAssignmentInput Scope Item Assignment  
ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item Assignment  
ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment  
ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentInput Scope Item Assignment  
ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentMilestoneInput Scope Item Assignment  
ApiEntityWorkspaceAutonumSettingInput Workspace  
ApiEntityWorkspaceCurrencySettingInput Workspace  
ApiEntityWorkspaceInput Workspace  
ApiEntityWorkspaceSettingInput Workspace  



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comment
jobType ApiEntityJobDetail Action TRAINING_DATA_REFRESH was removed from the list of allowed values for the field.
activityId ApiEntityActivityConfiguredFieldValueInput Activity This field was made read only.
activityId ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
actualThisPeriodTotalCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
actualThisPeriodTotalCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
actualTotalCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
actualTotalCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
atCompletionTotalCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
atCompletionTotalCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
atCompletionVariance ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
atCompletionVarianceProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
budgetAtCompletion ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
budgetAtCompletionProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
earnedValueCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
earnedValueCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
estimateAtCompletionCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
estimateAtCompletionCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
estimateToCompletionCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
estimateToCompletionCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
laborCostVariance ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
materialCostVariance ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
nonLaborCostVariance ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
plannedTotalCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
plannedTotalCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
plannedValueCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
plannedValueCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
priorActualLaborCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
priorActualLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
priorActualMaterialCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
priorActualMaterialCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
priorActualNonLaborCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
priorActualNonLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
priorActualTotalCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
priorActualTotalCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
project ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
remainingTotalCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
remainingTotalCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
scheduleVariance ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
scheduleVarianceProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
totalCostVariance ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
varCost ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
varCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput Activity This field was made read only.
activityWorkManagerTaskDateStatus ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
activityWorkManagerTaskStatus ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
activityWorkManagerTaskStatusIndicator ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
actualDuration ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
atCompletionBudgetLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
completedWeight ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
costPerformanceIndex ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
costPerformanceIndexLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
costVarianceIndex ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
costVarianceLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
costVarianceLaborUnitsIndex ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
critical ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
currentBaselineFields ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
danglingFinish ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
danglingStart ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
drivingPath ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
durationPercentComplete ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
durationPercentOfPlanned ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
earnedValueLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
estimateAtCompletionLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
estimateToCompletionLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
ffPredecessor ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
freeFloat ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
fsPredecessor ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
hardConstraint ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
invalidProgressDate ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
laborUnitsCompletePercent ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
largeDuration ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
largeFloat ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
lateActivity ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
link (url) ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
negativeFloat ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
nonLaborUnitsCompletePercent ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
noPredecessor ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
noResource ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
noSuccessor ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
openEnds ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
originalBaselineFields ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
otherBaselineFields ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
performancePercentComplete ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
plannedValueLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
predecessorLag ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
predecessorNegativeLag ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
primaryResource ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
priorActualLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
priorActualNonLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
recordCount ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
remainingFloat ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
resourceCodeList ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
resourceNameList ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
roleCodeList ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
roleNameList ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
schedulePercentComplete ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
schedulePerfIndexLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
schedulePerformanceIndex ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
scheduleVarianceIndex ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
scheduleVarianceLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
scheduleVarIndexLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
scopePercentComplete ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
sfPredecessor ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
softConstraint ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
ssPredecessor ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
starred ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
toCompletePerformanceIndex ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
totalFloat ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
unitsPercentComplete ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
userBaseline1Fields ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
userBaseline2Fields ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
userBaseline3Fields ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
varDuration ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
varFinishDate ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
varianceAtCompletionLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
varLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
varNonLaborUnits ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
varStartDate ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
weight ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
workManagerTaskCount ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
workManagerTaskPlannedCompleteCount ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
workManagerTaskPlannedNotCompleteCount ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
workManagerTaskPlannedOutsideCount ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
workManagerTaskUnplannedCount ApiEntityActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
activity(required) ApiEntityActivityUncertaintyInput Activity This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityActivityUncertaintyInput Activity This field was made read only.
project ApiEntityActivityUncertaintyInput Activity This field was made editable
project ApiEntityActivityUncertaintyInput Activity This field was made read only.
projectId ApiEntityActivityUncertaintyInput Activity This field was made editable
updateDate ApiEntityActivityUncertaintyInput Activity This field was made read only.
activityId ApiEntityCodeValueActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
parentId ApiEntityCodeValueActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
projectCode ApiEntityCodeValueActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
projectId ApiEntityCodeValueActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCodeValueActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueActivityInput Activity This field was made read only.
activityId ApiEntityConfiguredFieldValueInput Activity This field was made read only.
costValue: number ApiEntityConfiguredFieldValueInput Activity This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityConfiguredFieldValueInput Activity This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityConfiguredFieldValueInput Activity This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityConfiguredFieldValueInput Activity This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityConfiguredFieldValueInput Activity This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityConfiguredFieldValueInput Activity This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityConfiguredFieldValueInput Activity This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityConfiguredFieldValueInput Activity This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityBaselineInput Baseline This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityBaselineInput Baseline This field was made read only.
copiedFromItem ApiEntityCBSSheetCodeInput CBS This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCBSSheetCodeInput CBS This field was made read only.
isCodeCopied ApiEntityCBSTemplateCodeInput CBS This field was made read only.
isTotalRow ApiEntityCBSTemplateCodeInput CBS This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCBSTemplateCodeInput CBS This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCBSTemplateCodeInput CBS This field was made read only.
templateRowCost ApiEntityCBSTemplateCodeInput CBS This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCBSTemplateCodeInput CBS This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowConfiguredFieldValueInput CBS This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowConfiguredFieldValueInput CBS This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowConfiguredFieldValueInput CBS This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowConfiguredFieldValueInput CBS This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowConfiguredFieldValueInput CBS This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowConfiguredFieldValueInput CBS This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowConfiguredFieldValueInput CBS This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowConfiguredFieldValueInput CBS This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowConfiguredFieldValueInput CBS This field was made read only.
actualHoursToDate ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
approvedChangedHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
atCompletionHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
bacHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
baselineHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
cbsTemplateCodeId ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
eacHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
earnedHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
etcAdjustedHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
etcHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
installedHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
pendingChangedHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
plannedHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
projectActualHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
projectEarnedHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
projectHPI ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
remainingHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
revisedHours ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
templateItemId ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCBSTemplateRowInput CBS This field was made read only.
copiedFromItem ApiEntityExternallySourcedCBSSheetCodeInput CBS This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityExternallySourcedCBSSheetCodeInput CBS This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput CBS Segment This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput CBS Segment This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput CBS Segment This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput CBS Segment This field was made read only.
createDate ApiEntityCodeValueDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
createUser ApiEntityCodeValueDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCodeValueDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
updateUser ApiEntityCodeValueDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityDocumentConfiguredFieldValueInput Document This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityDocumentConfiguredFieldValueInput Document This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityDocumentConfiguredFieldValueInput Document This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityDocumentConfiguredFieldValueInput Document This field was made read only.
createDate ApiEntityDocumentConfiguredFieldValueInput Document This field was made read only.
createUser ApiEntityDocumentConfiguredFieldValueInput Document This field was made read only.
documentId ApiEntityDocumentConfiguredFieldValueInput Document This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityDocumentConfiguredFieldValueInput Document This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityDocumentConfiguredFieldValueInput Document This field was made read only.
updateUser ApiEntityDocumentConfiguredFieldValueInput Document This field was made read only.
annotationCount ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
author ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
checkedOut ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
checkedOutBy ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
checkedOutDate ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
checkedOutUserId ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
createDate ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
createUser ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
hasChildren ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
isActualRoot ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
mimeType ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
parentType ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
scanStatus ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
size ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
type ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
updateUser ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
url ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
version ApiEntityDocumentInput Document This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueProgramInput Program This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueProgramInput Program This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput Program This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput Program This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput Program This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput Program This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput Program This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput Program This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput Program This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput Program This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramConfiguredFieldValueInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsOutOfSync ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
costVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
costVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
costVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
earnedValueCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
earnedValueCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
earnedValueCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
estAtCompleteCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
estAtCompleteCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
estAtCompleteCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
estToCompleteCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
estToCompleteCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
estToCompleteCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
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netPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
netPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpensePresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpensePresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpensePresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetOutOfSync ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedValueCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedValueCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedValueCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
scheduleVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
scheduleVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
scheduleVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendCapitalCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendCapitalCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendCapitalCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendExpenseCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendExpenseCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendExpenseCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendForecastVar ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendForecastVarWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendForecastVarWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendForecastVarWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVariance ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
spendsOutOfSync ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
ytdSpendCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
ytdSpendCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
ytdSpendCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
ytdSpendCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramFinancialAndSettingInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
actualCostUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
benefits ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsOutOfSync ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
benefitsUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
costVariance ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
earnedValueCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
estAtCompleteCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
estToCompleteCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCostUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastOutOfSync ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
netPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudget ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapital ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpense ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseDistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpensePresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetOutOfSync ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetPresentValue ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetUndistributed ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedValueCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
programId ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
scheduleVariance ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
spendCapitalCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
spendCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
spendExpenseCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
spendForecastVar ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVariance ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
spendsOutOfSync ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
ytdSpendCost ApiEntityProgramFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
createDate ApiEntityProgramInput Program This field was made read only.
createUser ApiEntityProgramInput Program This field was made read only.
evaluationMatrixId ApiEntityProgramInput Program This field was made read only.
evaluationScore ApiEntityProgramInput Program This field was made read only.
lastProgramEvaluationDate ApiEntityProgramInput Program This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramInput Program This field was made read only.
statusDate ApiEntityProgramInput Program This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramInput Program This field was made read only.
updateUser ApiEntityProgramInput Program This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramLinkedObjectInput Program This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramLinkedObjectInput Program This field was made read only.
benefits ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCost ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastCost ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCost ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudget ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapital ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpense ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
programId ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
spendCapitalCost ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
spendCost ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
spendExpenseCost ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
spendForecastVar ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVariance ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCost ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
ytdSpendCost ApiEntityProgramPhaseFinancialInput Program This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramSettingsInput Program This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramSettingsInput Program This field was made read only.
approveByUserId ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
approveByUserName ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
approveDate ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
budgetStatus ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
lastModifiedById ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
programBudgetId ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
rejectByUserId ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
rejectByUserName ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
rejectDate ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
submitByUserId ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
submitByUserName ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
submitDate ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
withdrawApprovalByUserId ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
withdrawApprovalByUserName ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
withdrawApprovalDate ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput Program Budget This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
programBudgetChangeId ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
programBudgetChangeCost ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
programBudgetId ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
approveDate ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeTransactionInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
budgetHours ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeTransactionInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
programBudgetItemName ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeTransactionInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
status ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeTransactionInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
transactionType ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeTransactionInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
unitOfMeasureId ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeTransactionInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
amountCost ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionCostInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
laborRate ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionCostInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
unitRate ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionCostInput Program Budget Change This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change, Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change, Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change, Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change, Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change, Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change, Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change, Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change, Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
programBudgetTransactionId ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change, Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Change, Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
programBudgetItemId ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
laborRate ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemCostInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
originalCost ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemCostInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
unitRate ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemCostInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
programBudgetId ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Item This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
programBudgetTransferId ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
approveDate ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
budgetHours ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
budgetTransferType ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
productionRate ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
programBudgetItemName ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
quantity ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
status ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
transactionType ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
transferFromCBSId ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
transferFromCostCategoryId ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
transferToCBSId ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
transferToCostCategoryId ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
unitOfMeasureId ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferTransactionInput Program Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityProgramRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityProgramRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityProgramRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
actualCostImpact ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
actualResponseCostProject ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
atCompletionTotalResponseCost ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postActualResponseCost ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postAtCompletionTotalResponseCost ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postExposureCost ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postExposureCostProject ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postQuantifiedCostThreshold ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postRemainingTotalResponseCost ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseExposureWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseExposureWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseExposureWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preActualResponseCost ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preAtCompletionTotalResponseCost ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preExposureCost ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preExposureCostProject ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preQuantifiedCostThreshold ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preRemainingTotalResponseCost ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseExposureWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseExposureWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseExposureWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
remainingTotalResponseCost ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramRiskFinancialInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramRiskImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
riskCode ApiEntityProgramRiskImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramRiskImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
workspaceCode ApiEntityProgramRiskImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMeanDelay ApiEntityProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postScore ApiEntityProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMeanDelay ApiEntityProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
quantifiedPostResponseProbabilityThreshold ApiEntityProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
quantifiedPostResponseScheduleThreshold ApiEntityProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
quantifiedProbabilityThreshold ApiEntityProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
quantifiedScheduleThreshold ApiEntityProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
riskSourceType ApiEntityProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
score ApiEntityProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramRiskInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
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postResponseMaximumWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMaximumWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMaximumWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMinimumProject ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMinimumWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMinimumWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMinimumWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMostLikelyProject ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMostLikelyWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMostLikelyWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMostLikelyWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMaximumProject ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMaximumWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMaximumWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMaximumWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMinimumProject ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMinimumWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMinimumWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMinimumWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMostLikelyProject ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMostLikelyWorkspace1 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMostLikelyWorkspace2 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMostLikelyWorkspace3 ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedOtherImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedOtherImpactInput Program Risk This field was made read only.
atCompletionTotalCost ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationFinancialInput Program Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationFinancialInput Program Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
postResponseActualCost ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationFinancialInput Program Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
postResponseAtCompletionTotalCost ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationFinancialInput Program Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
postResponseRemainingTotalCost ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationFinancialInput Program Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
preResponseActualCost ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationFinancialInput Program Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
preResponseAtCompletionCost ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationFinancialInput Program Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
preResponseRemainingTotalCost ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationFinancialInput Program Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
programRiskMitigationId ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationFinancialInput Program Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationFinancialInput Program Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput Program Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput Program Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityBudgetChangeConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
approveByUserId ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
approveByUserName ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
approveDate ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
budgetChangeCost ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
lastModifiedById ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
rejectByUserId ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
rejectByUserName ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
rejectDate ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
submitByUserId ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
submitByUserName ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
submitDate ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
withdrawApprovalByUserId ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
withdrawApprovalByUserName ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
withdrawApprovalDate ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
approveDate ApiEntityBudgetChangeTransactionInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
budgetHours ApiEntityBudgetChangeTransactionInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
changeMode ApiEntityBudgetChangeTransactionInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
itemCodeSuffix ApiEntityBudgetChangeTransactionInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
transactionType ApiEntityBudgetChangeTransactionInput Project Budget Change This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityBudgetTransactionConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
amountCost ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
amountCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
amountCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
amountCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
currentCost ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
currentCostProject ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
currentCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
currentCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
currentCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
laborRate ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
laborRateWorkspace1 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
laborRateWorkspace2 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
laborRateWorkspace3 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
unitRate ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
unitRateWorkspace1 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
unitRateWorkspace2 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
unitRateWorkspace3 ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityBudgetTransactionCostInput Project Budget Change, Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityBudgetItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
currentCost ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
currentCostProject ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
currentCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
currentCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
currentCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
laborRate ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
laborRateWorkspace1 ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
laborRateWorkspace2 ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
laborRateWorkspace3 ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
originalCost ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
originalCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
originalCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
originalCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
unitRate ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
unitRateWorkspace1 ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
unitRateWorkspace2 ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
unitRateWorkspace3 ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityBudgetItemCostInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
budgetChangeId ApiEntityBudgetItemInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
budgetHours ApiEntityBudgetItemInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
itemSuffix ApiEntityBudgetItemInput Project Budget Item This field was made read only.
approveByUserId ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
approveByUserName ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
approveDate ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
itemPrefix ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
itemSuffix ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
lastModifiedById ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
rejectByUserId ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
rejectByUserName ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
rejectDate ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
submitByUserId ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
submitByUserName ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
submitDate ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
withdrawApprovalByUserId ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
withdrawApprovalByUserName ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
withdrawApprovalDate ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
approveDate ApiEntityBudgetTransferTransactionInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
budgetCbsSheetCodeId ApiEntityBudgetTransferTransactionInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
budgetCostCategoryId ApiEntityBudgetTransferTransactionInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
budgetHours ApiEntityBudgetTransferTransactionInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
budgetItemName ApiEntityBudgetTransferTransactionInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
itemCodeSuffix ApiEntityBudgetTransferTransactionInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
transferFromCBSId ApiEntityBudgetTransferTransactionInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
transferFromCostCategoryId ApiEntityBudgetTransferTransactionInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
transferToCBSId ApiEntityBudgetTransferTransactionInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
transferToCostCategoryId ApiEntityBudgetTransferTransactionInput Project Budget Transfer This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateCostInput Project Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
pricePerUnit1 ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateCostInput Project Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
pricePerUnit2 ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateCostInput Project Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
pricePerUnit3 ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateCostInput Project Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
pricePerUnit4 ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateCostInput Project Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
pricePerUnit5 ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateCostInput Project Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
projectResourceWorkRateId ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateCostInput Project Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateCostInput Project Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput Project Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput Project Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
cbsCodes ApiEntityProjectRisk Project Risk This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityProjectRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityProjectRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityProjectRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectRiskConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
actualCostImpact ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
actualResponseCostProject ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
atCompletionTotalResponseCost ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postActualResponseCost ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postAtCompletionTotalResponseCost ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postExposureCost ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postExposureCostProject ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postQuantifiedCostThreshold ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postRemainingTotalResponseCost ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseExposureWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseExposureWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseExposureWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preActualResponseCost ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preAtCompletionTotalResponseCost ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preExposureCost ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preExposureCostProject ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preQuantifiedCostThreshold ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preRemainingTotalResponseCost ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseExposureWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseExposureWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseExposureWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
remainingTotalResponseCost ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectRiskFinancialInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
activityImpactQuantified ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
exposureFinishDate ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
exposureStartDate ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMeanCostImpact ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMeanDelay ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponsePessimisticCostDeltaAbs ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponsePessimisticFinishDeltaAbs ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postScore ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMeanCostImpact ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMeanDelay ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponsePessimisticCostDeltaAbs ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponsePessimisticFinishDeltaAbs ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
quantifiedPostResponseProbabilityThreshold ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
quantifiedPostResponseScheduleThreshold ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
quantifiedProbabilityThreshold ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
quantifiedScheduleThreshold ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
riskSourceType ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
score ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRiskImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
projectCode ApiEntityRiskImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
riskCode ApiEntityRiskImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRiskImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
workspaceCode ApiEntityRiskImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMaximumProject ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMaximumWorkspace1 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMaximumWorkspace2 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMaximumWorkspace3 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMinimumProject ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMinimumWorkspace1 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMinimumWorkspace2 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMinimumWorkspace3 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMostLikelyProject ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMostLikelyWorkspace1 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMostLikelyWorkspace2 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
postResponseMostLikelyWorkspace3 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMaximumProject ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMaximumWorkspace1 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMaximumWorkspace2 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMaximumWorkspace3 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMinimumProject ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMinimumWorkspace1 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMinimumWorkspace2 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMinimumWorkspace3 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMostLikelyProject ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMostLikelyWorkspace1 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMostLikelyWorkspace2 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
preResponseMostLikelyWorkspace3 ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedOtherImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedOtherImpactInput Project Risk This field was made read only.
atCompletionTotalCost ApiEntityRiskMitigationFinancialInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRiskMitigationFinancialInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
postResponseActualCost ApiEntityRiskMitigationFinancialInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
postResponseAtCompletionTotalCost ApiEntityRiskMitigationFinancialInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
postResponseRemainingTotalCost ApiEntityRiskMitigationFinancialInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
preResponseActualCost ApiEntityRiskMitigationFinancialInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
preResponseAtCompletionCost ApiEntityRiskMitigationFinancialInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
preResponseRemainingTotalCost ApiEntityRiskMitigationFinancialInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
riskMitigationId ApiEntityRiskMitigationFinancialInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRiskMitigationFinancialInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
projectName ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput Project Risk Mitigation This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueScopeItemInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCodeValueScopeItemInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueScopeItemInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
cbsCodes ApiEntityScopeItem Scope Item This field was made read only.
pbsCodeHierarchy ApiEntityScopeItem Scope Item This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityScopeItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityScopeItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityScopeItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityScopeItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityScopeItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityScopeItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityScopeItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
costCategoryType ApiEntityScopeItemInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeItemInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
pbsCode ApiEntityScopeItemInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeItemInput Scope Item This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueScopeItemAssignmentInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCodeValueScopeItemAssignmentInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueScopeItemAssignmentInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
cbsCodes ApiEntityScopeItemAssignment Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentConfiguredFieldValueInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
actualCostToDate ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
adjustedCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
approvedChangedCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
atCompletionCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
bacCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
baselineCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
currentRate ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
eacCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
earnedCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
etcCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
installedCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
pendingChangedCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
plannedCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
rate ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
remainingCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
revisedCost ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentCostInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
costCategoryType ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentMilestoneInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentMilestoneInput Scope Item Assignment This field was made read only.
description ApiEntityPreExecutionValidationProblem Workflow SCENARIO_PROJECT_COUNT_FAILED was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
type ApiEntityPreExecutionValidationProblem Workflow SCENARIO_PROJECT_COUNT_FAILED was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
defaultCurrencyExchangeRate ApiEntityWorkspaceCurrencySettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityWorkspaceCurrencySettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityWorkspaceCurrencySettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.
workspaceCurrency1ExchangeRate ApiEntityWorkspaceCurrencySettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.
workspaceCurrency1Id ApiEntityWorkspaceCurrencySettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.
workspaceCurrency2ExchangeRate ApiEntityWorkspaceCurrencySettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.
workspaceCurrency2Id ApiEntityWorkspaceCurrencySettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.
workspaceCurrency3ExchangeRate ApiEntityWorkspaceCurrencySettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.
workspaceCurrency3Id ApiEntityWorkspaceCurrencySettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.
workspaceId ApiEntityWorkspaceCurrencySettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.
image ApiEntityWorkspaceInput Workspace This field was made read only.
isProduction ApiEntityWorkspaceInput Workspace This field was made read only.
isSysGenerated ApiEntityWorkspaceInput Workspace This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityWorkspaceInput Workspace This field was made read only.
securityGuid ApiEntityWorkspaceInput Workspace This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityWorkspaceInput Workspace This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityWorkspaceInput Workspace This field was made read only.
workspaceAutonumSettings ApiEntityWorkspaceInput Workspace This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityWorkspaceSettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityWorkspaceSettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.
workspaceId ApiEntityWorkspaceSettingInput Workspace This field was made read only.


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/activity POST Activity ApiEntityActivityInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityActivity to ApiEntityActivityInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/activity/batch POST Activity ApiEntityActivityInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityActivity to ApiEntityActivityInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/baseline POST Activity ApiEntityBaselineInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityBaseline to ApiEntityBaselineInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/activity PUT Activity ApiEntityActivityInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityActivity to ApiEntityActivityInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/activity/batch PUT Activity ApiEntityActivityInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityActivity to ApiEntityActivityInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/baseline PUT Activity ApiEntityBaselineInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityBaseline to ApiEntityBaselineInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/cbs/createworkspaceCBS POST CBS ApiEntityCBSTemplateCode The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCBSTemplateCode to ApiEntityCBSTemplateCodeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/cbs/workspace PUT CBS ApiEntityCBSTemplateCode The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCBSTemplateCodeto ApiEntityCBSTemplateCodeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/segment/projectSegment POST CBS Segment ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCBSSheetSegment to ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/segment/projectSegment/batch POST CBS Segment ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCBSSheetSegment to ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/segment/projectSegment/syncBatch POST CBS Segment ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCBSSheetSegment to ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/segment/workspace/batch POST CBS Segment ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegment to ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/segment/workspaceSegment POST CBS Segment ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegment to ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/segment/workspaceSegment/syncBatch POST CBS Segment ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegment to ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/segment/project PUT CBS Segment ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCBSSheetSegment to ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/segment/project/batch PUT CBS Segment ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCBSSheetSegment to ApiEntityCBSSheetSegmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/segment/workspace PUT CBS Segment ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegment to ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/segment/workspace/batch PUT CBS Segment ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegment to ApiEntityCBSTemplateSegmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/document/folder POST Document ApiEntityDocumentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityDocument to ApiEntityDocumentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/document/file PUT Document ApiEntityDocumentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityDocument to ApiEntityDocumentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/document/folder PUT Document ApiEntityDocumentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityDocument to ApiEntityDocumentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/program POST Program ApiEntityProgram The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgram to ApiEntityProgramInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/program/batch POST Program ApiEntityProgramInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgram to ApiEntityProgramInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/program/syncBatch POST Program ApiEntityProgramInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgram to ApiEntityProgramInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/program PUT Program ApiEntityProgramInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgram to ApiEntityProgramInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/program/batch PUT Program ApiEntityProgramInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgram to ApiEntityProgramInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudget POST Program Budget ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudget to ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudget/batch POST Program Budget ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudget to ApiEntityProgramBudgetInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetChange POST Program Budget Change ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetChange to ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetChange/batch POST Program Budget Change ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetChange to ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetChange/syncBatch POST Program Budget Change ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetChange to ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetChange PUT Program Budget Change ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetChange to ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetChange/batch PUT Program Budget Change ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetChange to ApiEntityProgramBudgetChangeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetItem POST Program Budget Item ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetItem to ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetItem/batch POST Program Budget Item ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetItem to ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetItem/syncBatch POST Program Budget Item ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetItem to ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetItem PUT Program Budget Item ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetItem to ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetItem/batch PUT Program Budget Item ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetItem to ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetTransfer POST Program Budget Transfer ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransfer to ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetTransfer/batch POST Program Budget Transfer ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransfer to ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetTransfer/syncBatch POST Program Budget Transfer ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransfer to ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetTransfer PUT Program Budget Transfer ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransfer to ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programBudgetTransfer/batch PUT Program Budget Transfer ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransfer to ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransferInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRisk POST Program Risk ApiEntityProgramRiskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRisk to ApiEntityProgramRiskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRisk/syncBatch POST Program Risk ApiEntityProgramRiskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRisk to ApiEntityProgramRiskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRisk/batch POST Program Risk ApiEntityProgramRiskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRisk to ApiEntityProgramRiskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRisk PUT Program Risk ApiEntityProgramRiskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRisk to ApiEntityProgramRiskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRisk/batch PUT Program Risk ApiEntityProgramRiskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRisk to ApiEntityProgramRiskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRiskMitigation POST Program Risk Mitigation ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigation to ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRiskMitigation/syncBatch POST Program Risk Mitigation ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigation to ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRiskMitigation/batch POST Program Risk Mitigation ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigation to ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRiskMitigation PUT Program Risk Mitigation ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigation to ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRiskMitigation/batch PUT Program Risk Mitigation ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigation to ApiEntityProgramRiskMitigationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetChange POST Project Budget Change ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetChange to ApiEntityProjectBudgetChangeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetChange/batch POST Project Budget Change ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetChange to ApiEntityProjectBudgetChangeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetChange/syncBatch POST Project Budget Change ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetChange to ApiEntityProjectBudgetChangeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetChange PUT Project Budget Change ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetChange to ApiEntityProjectBudgetChangeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetChange/batch PUT Project Budget Change ApiEntityBudgetChangeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetChange to ApiEntityProjectBudgetChangeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetItem POST Project Budget Item ApiEntityProjectBudgetItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetItem to ApiEntityProjectBudgetItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetItem/batch POST Project Budget Item ApiEntityProjectBudgetItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetItem to ApiEntityProjectBudgetItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetItem/syncBatch POST Project Budget Item ApiEntityProjectBudgetItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetItem to ApiEntityProjectBudgetItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetItem PUT Project Budget Item ApiEntityProjectBudgetItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetItem to ApiEntityProjectBudgetItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetItem/batch PUT Project Budget Item ApiEntityProjectBudgetItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetItem to ApiEntityProjectBudgetItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetTransfer POST Project Budget Transfer ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetTransfer to ApiEntityProjectBudgetTransferInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetTransfer/batch POST Project Budget Transfer ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetTransfer to ApiEntityProjectBudgetTransferInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetTransfer/syncBatch POST Project Budget Transfer ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetTransfer to ApiEntityProjectBudgetTransferInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetTransfer PUT Project Budget Transfer ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetTransfer to ApiEntityProjectBudgetTransferInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/budgetTransfer/batch PUT Project Budget Transfer ApiEntityBudgetTransferInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectBudgetTransfer to ApiEntityProjectBudgetTransferInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectResourceWorkRate POST Project Resource Work Rate ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRate to ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectResourceWorkRate/batch POST Project Resource Work Rate ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRate to ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectResourceWorkRate/syncBatch POST Project Resource Work Rate ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRate to ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectResourceWorkRate PUT Project Resource Work Rate ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRate to ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectResourceWorkRate/batch PUT Project Resource Work Rate ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRate to ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectRisk POST Project Risk ApiEntityProjectRiskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectRisk to ApiEntityProjectRiskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectRisk/syncBatch POST Project Risk ApiEntityProjectRiskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectRisk to ApiEntityProjectRiskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectRisk/batch POST Project Risk ApiEntityProjectRiskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectRisk to ApiEntityProjectRiskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectRisk PUT Project Risk ApiEntityProjectRiskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectRisk to ApiEntityProjectRiskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectRisk/batch PUT Project Risk ApiEntityProjectRiskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectRisk to ApiEntityProjectRiskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskMitigation POST Project Risk Mitigation ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskMitigation to ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskMitigation/batch POST Project Risk Mitigation ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskMitigation to ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskMitigation/syncBatch POST Project Risk Mitigation ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskMitigation to ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskMitigation PUT Project Risk Mitigation ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskMitigation to ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskMitigation/batch PUT Project Risk Mitigation ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskMitigation to ApiEntityRiskMitigationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/scopeItem POST Scope Item ApiEntityScopeItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeItem to ApiEntityScopeItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/scopeItem PUT Scope Item ApiEntityScopeItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeItem to ApiEntityScopeItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/scopeItemAssignment POST Scope Item Assignment ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeItemAssignment to ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/scopeItemAssignment PUT Scope Item Assignment ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeItemAssignment to ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workspace POST Workspace ApiEntityWorkspaceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkspace to ApiEntityWorkspaceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workspace/batch POST Workspace ApiEntityWorkspaceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkspace to ApiEntityWorkspaceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workspace/syncBatch POST Workspace ApiEntityWorkspaceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkspace to ApiEntityWorkspaceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workspace PUT Workspace ApiEntityWorkspaceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkspace to ApiEntityWorkspaceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workspace/batch PUT Workspace ApiEntityWorkspaceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkspace to ApiEntityWorkspaceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.