
The following updates were made for 23.12.



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
evaluationCategoryId ProjectRankIdentifier Project Rank
evaluationSubCategoryId ProjectRankIdentifier Project Rank
excludeFromRiskRemovalAnalysis ApiEntityProjectRisk Project Risk
excludeFromRiskRemovalAnalysis ApiEntityProjectRiskInput Project Risk
projectId ProjectRankIdentifier Project Rank


ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
ApiEntityCodeEntityTypeInput Code Type
ApiEntityCodeTypeInput Code Type
ApiEntityCodeValueConstraintInput Code Value
ApiEntityCompanyConfiguredFieldValueInput Company
ApiEntityCompanyConfiguredFieldValueInput Company
ApiEntityCompanyEnterpriseCertificationInput Company
ApiEntityCompanyLaborTypeInput Company
ApiEntityCompanyWorkTypeInput Company
ApiEntityExternallySourcedCompanyInput Company
ApiEntityExternallySourcedCompanyInput Company
ApiEntityConstraintConfiguredFieldValueInput Constraint
ApiEntityConstraintInput Constraint
ApiEntityTaskConstraintInput Constraint
ApiEntityCodeValueCustomLogInput Custom Log Item
ApiEntityCustomLogItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Custom Log Item
ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput Custom Log Item
ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput Custom Log Item
ApiEntityCustomLogEntityTypeInput Custom Log Type Object
ApiEntityCustomLogTypeCodeTypeInput Custom Log Type Object
ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectAssignRequestInput Custom Log Type Object
ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput Custom Log Type Object
ApiEntityCustomLogUdfInput Custom Log Type Object
ApiEntityCodeValueFundInput Fund
ApiEntityFundConfiguredFieldValueInput Fund
ApiEntityCodeValuePortfolioInput Portfolio
ApiEntityPortfolioConfiguredFieldValueInput Portfolio
ApiEntityPortfolioImageInput Portfolio
ApiEntityPortfolioInput Portfolio
ApiEntityPortfolioProgramInput Portfolio
ApiEntityPortfolioProjectInput Portfolio
ApiEntityProgramFilterInput Portfolio
ApiEntityCodeValueProjectInput Project
ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project
ApiEntityProjectAutoNumberInput Project
ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project
ApiEntityProjectConfiguredFieldValueInput Project
ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project
ApiEntityProjectImageInput Project
ApiEntityProjectInput Project
ApiEntityProjectIntegrationSourceInput Project
ApiEntityProjectSettingInput Project
ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectActualsInput Project Actuals
ApiEntityProjectActualsConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Actuals
ApiEntityProjectActualsCostInput Project Actuals
ApiEntityProjectActualsInput Project Actuals
ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectActualsLineItemInput Project Actuals Line Item
ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item
ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemInput Project Actuals Line Item
ApiEntityProjectRankInput Project Rank
ApiEntityReasonInput Reason
ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput Rules of Credit
ApiEntityRuleOfCreditMilestoneInput Rules of Credit
ApiEntityCodeValueWBSInput WBS
ApiEntityWBSConfiguredFieldValueInput WBS
ApiEntityWBSInput WBS
ApiEntityCodeValueWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task
ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Manager Task
ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task
ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitmentInput Work Manager Task Commitment
ApiEntityCodeValueWorkPackageInput Work Package
ApiEntityWorkPackageConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Package
ApiEntityWorkPackageCostInput Work Package
ApiEntityWorkPackageInput Work Package



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
jobType ApiEntityJobDetails Action PROJECT_MEASURES_BY_PORTFOLIO_CALC was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
link ApiEntityCodeEntityTypeInput Code Type This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeEntityTypeInput Code Type This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityCodeTypeInput Code Type This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeTypeInput Code Type This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeTypeInput Code Type This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityCompanyConfiguredFieldValueInput Company This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityCompanyConfiguredFieldValueInput Company This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityCompanyConfiguredFieldValueInput Company This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityCompanyConfiguredFieldValueInput Company This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityCompanyConfiguredFieldValueInput Company This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityCompanyConfiguredFieldValueInput Company This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityCompanyConfiguredFieldValueInput Company This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCompanyConfiguredFieldValueInput Company This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCompanyConfiguredFieldValueInput Company This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCompanyEnterpriseCertificationInput Company This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCompanyEnterpriseCertificationInput Company This field was made read only.
distance ApiEntityCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
distanceMetric ApiEntityCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
isTenantOwned ApiEntityCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
offices ApiEntityCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
workspaceId ApiEntityCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCompanyLaborTypeInput Company This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCompanyLaborTypeInput Company This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCompanyWorkTypeInput Company This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCompanyWorkTypeInput Company This field was made read only.
distance ApiEntityExternallySourcedCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
distanceMetric ApiEntityExternallySourcedCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
isTenantOwned ApiEntityExternallySourcedCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityExternallySourcedCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
offices ApiEntityExternallySourcedCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
workspaceId ApiEntityExternallySourcedCompanyInput Company This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityOfficeInput Company This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityOfficeInput Company This field was made read only.
codeTypeName ApiEntityCodeValueConstraintInput Constraint This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueConstraintInput Constraint This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCodeValueConstraintInput Constraint This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueConstraintInput Constraint This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityConstraintConfiguredFieldValueInput Constraint This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityConstraintConfiguredFieldValueInput Constraint This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityConstraintConfiguredFieldValueInput Constraint This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityConstraintConfiguredFieldValueInput Constraint This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityConstraintConfiguredFieldValueInput Constraint This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityConstraintConfiguredFieldValueInput Constraint This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityConstraintConfiguredFieldValueInput Constraint This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityConstraintConfiguredFieldValueInput Constraint This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityConstraintConfiguredFieldValueInput Constraint This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityConstraintInput Constraint This field was made read only.
status ApiEntityConstraintInput Constraint This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityConstraintInput Constraint This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityTaskConstraintInput Constraint This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityTaskConstraintInput Constraint This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueCustomLogInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueCustomLogInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityCustomLogItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityCustomLogItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityCustomLogItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityCustomLogItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityCustomLogItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityCustomLogItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityCustomLogItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCustomLogItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCustomLogItemConfiguredFieldValueInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
postedDate ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput Custom Log Item This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCustomLogEntityTypeInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCustomLogEntityTypeInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCustomLogTypeCodeTypeInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCustomLogTypeCodeTypeInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
assignedWorkspaceCode ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
assignedWorkspaceId ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
securityGuid ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCustomLogUdfInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCustomLogUdfInput Custom Log Type Object This field was made read only.
codeTypeName ApiEntityCodeValueFundInput Fund This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueFundInput Fund This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCodeValueFundInput Fund This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueFundInput Fund This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityFundConfiguredFieldValueInput Fund This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityFundConfiguredFieldValueInput Fund This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityFundConfiguredFieldValueInput Fund This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityFundConfiguredFieldValueInput Fund This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityFundConfiguredFieldValueInput Fund This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityFundConfiguredFieldValueInput Fund This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityFundConfiguredFieldValueInput Fund This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityFundConfiguredFieldValueInput Fund This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityFundConfiguredFieldValueInput Fund This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityFundInput Fund This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityFundInput Fund This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValuePortfolioInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCodeValuePortfolioInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValuePortfolioInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityPortfolioConfiguredFieldValueInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityPortfolioConfiguredFieldValueInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityPortfolioConfiguredFieldValueInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityPortfolioConfiguredFieldValueInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityPortfolioConfiguredFieldValueInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityPortfolioConfiguredFieldValueInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityPortfolioConfiguredFieldValueInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityPortfolioConfiguredFieldValueInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
lastRefreshDate ApiEntityPortfolioInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityPortfolioInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
projects ApiEntityPortfolioInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
securityGuid ApiEntityPortfolioInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityPortfolioInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityPortfolioProgramInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityPortfolioProgramInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityPortfolioProjectInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityPortfolioProjectInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramFilterInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramFilterInput Portfolio This field was made read only.
codeTypeName ApiEntityCodeValueProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCodeValueProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
actualDuration ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedFinishDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedStartDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
danglingFinishActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
danglingFinishActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
danglingStartActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
danglingStartActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
evaluationMatrixId ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
evaluationScore ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
exchangeRateType ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
ffPredecessorActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
ffPredecessorActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
finishDateVariance ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
fsPredecessorActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
fsPredecessorActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
hardConstraintActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
hardConstraintActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
image ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
invalidProgressDateActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
invalidProgressDateActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
largeDurationActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
largeDurationActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
largeFloatActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
largeFloatActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
lastProjectEvaluationDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
lateActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
lateActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
linkPlannedBudgetTo ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
negativeFloatActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
negativeFloatActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
noPredecessorActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
noPredecessorActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
noResourceActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
noResourceActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
noSuccessorActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
noSuccessorActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
openEndsActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
openEndsActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
parentProject ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
percentCompleteWeightedBy ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
planDuration ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
predecessorLagActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
predecessorLagActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
predecessorNegativeLagActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
predecessorNegativeLagActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
projectAutoNumber ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
projectScheduleHealthPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
projectTerm ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedFinishDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedStartDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
recordCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
remainingDuration ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
remainingFinishDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
remainingStartDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
reportCycleNamingBoundary ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
riskScore ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
scheduledFinishDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
securityGuid ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
sfPredecessorActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
sfPredecessorActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
softConstraintActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
softConstraintActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
ssPredecessorActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
ssPredecessorActivityPercent ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
startDateVariance ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
totalActivityCount ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectAutoNumberInput Project This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectAutoNumberInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualForecastVar ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualForecastVarProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualForecastVarWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualForecastVarWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
actualForecastVarWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
atCompletionCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
atCompletionCostProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
atCompletionCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
atCompletionCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
atCompletionCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
benefits ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudget ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedSpendVariance ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedSpendVarianceProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedSpendVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedSpendVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedSpendVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCurrApprVar ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCurrApprVarProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCurrApprVarWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCurrApprVarWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCurrApprVarWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudget ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapital ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpense ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudget ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedForecastVariance ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedForecastVarianceProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedForecastVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedForecastVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedForecastVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedPlannedVar ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedPlannedVarProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedPlannedVarWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedPlannedVarWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedPlannedVarWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
spendCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
spendCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
spendCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
spendCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVariance ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVarianceProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCostProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
ytdActualCost ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
ytdActualCostProject ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
ytdActualCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
ytdActualCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
ytdActualCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectCashFlowInput Project This field was made read only.
columnName ApiEntityProjectConfiguredFieldValueInput Project This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityProjectConfiguredFieldValueInput Project This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectConfiguredFieldValueInput Project This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectConfiguredFieldValueInput Project This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectConfiguredFieldValueInput Project This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityProjectConfiguredFieldValueInput Project This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityProjectConfiguredFieldValueInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostUnDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostUnDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostUnDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostUnDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostUnDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCapitalCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostUnDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostUnDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostUnDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostUnDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostUnDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostUnDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostUnDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualExpenseCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundApprovedBudgetVariance ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundApprovedBudgetVarianceProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundApprovedBudgetVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundApprovedBudgetVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundApprovedBudgetVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundForecastVariance ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundForecastVarianceProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundForecastVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundForecastVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundForecastVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundPlannedBudgetVariance ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundPlannedBudgetVarianceProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundPlannedBudgetVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundPlannedBudgetVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
allocatedFundPlannedBudgetVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
atCompletionCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
atCompletionCostProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
atCompletionCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
atCompletionCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
atCompletionCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefits ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsUndistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsUndistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
benefitsWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
budgetCurrentCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
budgetCurrentCostProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
budgetCurrentCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
budgetCurrentCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
budgetCurrentCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
budgetOriginalCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
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budgetOriginalCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
budgetOriginalCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
budgetOriginalCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
constructionValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
constructionValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
constructionValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
constructionValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
costVariance ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
costVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
costVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
costVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudget ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBaseDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBaseDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBaseDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBaseDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBaseDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBasePresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBasePresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBasePresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBasePresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBasePresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBaseUndistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBaseUndistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBaseUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBaseUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetBaseUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostUnDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostUnDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostUnDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostUnDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostUnDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetCapitalCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostUnDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostUnDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostUnDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostUnDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostUnDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetExpenseCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedBudgetWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedSpendVariance ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedSpendVarianceProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedSpendVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedSpendVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedSpendVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
earnedValueCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
earnedValueCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
earnedValueCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
earnedValueCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
estAtCompleteCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
estAtCompleteCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
estAtCompleteCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
estAtCompleteCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
estToCompleteCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
estToCompleteCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
estToCompleteCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
estToCompleteCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostUnDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostUnDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostUnDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostUnDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostUnDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCapitalCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostUndistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostUndistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCurrApprVar ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCurrApprVarProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCurrApprVarWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCurrApprVarWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastCurrApprVarWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostUnDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostUnDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostUnDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostUnDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostUnDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
forecastExpenseCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
netPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
netPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
netPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
netPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudget ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapital ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalUnDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalUnDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalUnDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalUnDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalUnDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetCapitalWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpense ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpensePresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpensePresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpensePresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpensePresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpensePresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseUnDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseUnDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
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plannedBudgetExpenseUnDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseUnDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetExpenseWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetUndistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetUndistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedBudgetWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedValueCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedValueCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedValueCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
plannedValueCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudget ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBaseDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBaseDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBaseDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBaseDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBaseDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBasePresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBasePresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBasePresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBasePresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBasePresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBaseUndistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBaseUndistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBaseUndistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBaseUndistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetBaseUndistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostUnDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostUnDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostUnDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostUnDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostUnDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetCapitalCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostPresentValue ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostPresentValueProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostPresentValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostUnDistributed ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostUnDistributedProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostUnDistributedWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostUnDistributedWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostUnDistributedWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetExpenseCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedBudgetWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedForecastVariance ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedForecastVarianceProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedForecastVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedForecastVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedForecastVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedPlannedVar ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedPlannedVarProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedPlannedVarWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedPlannedVarWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedPlannedVarWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
scheduleVariance ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
scheduleVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
scheduleVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
scheduleVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendForecastVar ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendForecastVarProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendForecastVarWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendForecastVarWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendForecastVarWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVariance ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVarianceProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVarianceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVarianceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
spendPlannedVarianceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCostProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
yearEndForecastCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
ytdSpendCost ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
ytdSpendCostProject ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
ytdSpendCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
ytdSpendCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
ytdSpendCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectFinancialInput Project This field was made read only.
actualDuration ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedFinishDate ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
currentApprovedStartDate ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
danglingFinishActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
danglingFinishActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
danglingStartActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
danglingStartActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
evaluationMatrixId ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
evaluationScore ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
exchangeRateType ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
ffPredecessorActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
ffPredecessorActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
finishDateVariance ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
fsPredecessorActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
fsPredecessorActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
hardConstraintActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
hardConstraintActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
image ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
invalidProgressDateActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
invalidProgressDateActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
largeDurationActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
largeDurationActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
largeFloatActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
largeFloatActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
lastProjectEvaluationDate ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
lateActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
lateActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
linkPlannedBudgetTo ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
negativeFloatActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
negativeFloatActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
noPredecessorActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
noPredecessorActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
noResourceActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
noResourceActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
noSuccessorActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
noSuccessorActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
openEndsActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
openEndsActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
parentProject ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
percentCompleteWeightedBy ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
planDuration ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
predecessorLagActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
predecessorLagActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
predecessorNegativeLagActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
predecessorNegativeLagActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
projectAutoNumber ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
projectScheduleHealthPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
projectTerm ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedFinishDate ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
proposedStartDate ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
recordCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
remainingDuration ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
remainingFinishDate ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
remainingStartDate ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
reportCycleNamingBoundary ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
riskScore ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
scheduledFinishDate ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
securityGuid ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
sfPredecessorActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
sfPredecessorActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
softConstraintActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
softConstraintActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
ssPredecessorActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
ssPredecessorActivityPercent ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
startDateVariance ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
totalActivityCount ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectInput Project This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectIntegrationSourceInput Project This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectIntegrationSourceInput Project This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectSettingInput Project This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectSettingInput Project This field was made read only.
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approvedDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectActualsInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
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totalHours ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectActualsInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectActualsInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
withdrawByUserId ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectActualsInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
withdrawDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectActualsInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityProjectActualsConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
costValueProject ApiEntityProjectActualsConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectActualsConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
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costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectActualsConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
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hasException ApiEntityProjectActualsConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectActualsConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectActualsConfiguredFieldValueInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectActualsCostInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
totalAmount ApiEntityProjectActualsCostInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
totalAmountProject ApiEntityProjectActualsCostInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
totalAmountProjectActuals ApiEntityProjectActualsCostInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
totalAmountWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectActualsCostInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
totalAmountWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectActualsCostInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
totalAmountWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectActualsCostInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectActualsCostInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
approvedByUserId ApiEntityProjectActualsInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
approvedDate ApiEntityProjectActualsInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectActualsInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
totalHours ApiEntityProjectActualsInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectActualsInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
withdrawByUserId ApiEntityProjectActualsInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
withdrawDate ApiEntityProjectActualsInput Project Actuals This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectActualsLineItemInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectActualsLineItemInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
total ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
totalProject ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
totalWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
totalWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
totalWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
unitPrice ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
unitPriceProject ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
unitPriceWorkspace1 ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
unitPriceWorkspace2 ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
unitPriceWorkspace3 ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemCostInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemInput Project Actuals Line Item This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityReasonInput Reason This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityReasonInput Reason This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityReasonInput Reason This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput Rule Of Credit This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput Rule Of Credit This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput Rule Of Credit This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRuleOfCreditMilestoneInput Rule Of Credit This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRuleOfCreditMilestoneInput Rule Of Credit This field was made read only.
codeTypeName ApiEntityCodeValueWBSInput WBS This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueWBSInput WBS This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCodeValueWBSInput WBS This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueWBSInput WBS This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityWBSConfiguredFieldValueInput WBS This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityWBSConfiguredFieldValueInput WBS This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityWBSConfiguredFieldValueInput WBS This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityWBSConfiguredFieldValueInput WBS This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityWBSConfiguredFieldValueInput WBS This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityWBSConfiguredFieldValueInput WBS This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityWBSConfiguredFieldValueInput WBS This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityWBSConfiguredFieldValueInput WBS This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityWBSInput WBS This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityWBSInput WBS This field was made read only.
wbsPath ApiEntityWBSInput WBS This field was made read only.
codeTypeName ApiEntityCodeValueWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCodeValueWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
activityCode ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
activityCompleteStatus ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
activityDateStatus ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
commitmentCount ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
constraintCount ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
hasCommitments ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
hasConstraints ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
hasProposedDueDate ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
hasSlack ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
isDueThisWeek ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
isMissingActivityAssignment ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
isOutsideActivity ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
isOverdue ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
isPending ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
isSchNonWorkDays ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
isUnassigned ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
isUnplanned ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
latestCommitmentDueDate ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
originalCommitmentDueDate ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
predecessorCount ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
slack ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
startDate ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
successorCount ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
workManagerTaskCommitments ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput Work Manager Task This field was made read only.
activityCode ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitmentInput Work Manager Task Commitment This field was made read only.
addByUserId ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitmentInput Work Manager Task Commitment This field was made read only.
applicationUserId ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitmentInput Work Manager Task Commitment This field was made read only.
createDate ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitmentInput Work Manager Task Commitment This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitmentInput Work Manager Task Commitment This field was made read only.
status ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitmentInput Work Manager Task Commitment This field was made read only.
taskName ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitmentInput Work Manager Task Commitment This field was made read only.
timezoneDateAdded ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitmentInput Work Manager Task Commitment This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitmentInput Work Manager Task Commitment This field was made read only.
codeTypeName ApiEntityCodeValueWorkPackageInput Work Package This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueWorkPackageInput Work Package This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCodeValueWorkPackageInput Work Package This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueWorkPackageInput Work Package This field was made read only.
costValue ApiEntityWorkPackageConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Package This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace1 ApiEntityWorkPackageConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Package This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace2 ApiEntityWorkPackageConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Package This field was made read only.
costValueWorkspace3 ApiEntityWorkPackageConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Package This field was made read only.
exceptionMessage ApiEntityWorkPackageConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Package This field was made read only.
hasException ApiEntityWorkPackageConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Package This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityWorkPackageConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Package This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityWorkPackageConfiguredFieldValueInput Work Package This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityWorkPackageInput Work Package This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityWorkPackageInput Work Package This field was made read only.
workPackageCost ApiEntityWorkPackageInput Work Package This field was made read only.


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/codeType POST Code Type ApiEntityCodeTypeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCodeType to ApiEntityCodeTypeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/codeType/batch POST Code Type ApiEntityCodeTypeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCodeType to ApiEntityCodeTypeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/codeType PUT Code Type ApiEntityCodeTypeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCodeType to ApiEntityCodeTypeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/codeType/batch PUT Code Type ApiEntityCodeTypeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCodeType to ApiEntityCodeTypeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/company POST Company ApiEntityCompanyInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCompany to ApiEntityCompanyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/company POST Company ApiEntityCompanyInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCompany toApiEntityCompanyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/company/batch POST Company ApiEntityCompanyInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCompany to ApiEntityCompanyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/company/batch POST Company ApiEntityCompanyInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCompany toApiEntityCompanyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/constraint POST Constraint ApiEntityConstraintInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityConstraint to ApiEntityConstraintInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/constraint/batch POST Constraint ApiEntityConstraintInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityConstraint to ApiEntityConstraintInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/constraint PUT Constraint ApiEntityConstraintInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityConstraint to ApiEntityConstraintInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/constraint/batch PUT Constraint ApiEntityConstraintInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityConstraint to ApiEntityConstraintInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/customLogItem POST Custom Log Item ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCustomLogItem to ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/customLogItem/batch POST Custom Log Item ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCustomLogItem to ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/customLogItem PUT Custom Log Item ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCustomLogItem to ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/customLogItem/batch PUT Custom Log Item ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCustomLogItem to ApiEntityCustomLogItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/customLogTypeObject POST Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject to ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/customLogTypeObject/batch POST Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject to ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/customLogTypeObject PUT Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject to ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/customLogTypeObject/batch PUT Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject to ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/portfolio POST Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/portfolio/batch POST Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/project POST Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/project/batch POST Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/workspace POST Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/workspace/batch POST Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/workspace/portfolio/allocation POST Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/workspace/project/allocation POST Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/workspace/workspace/allocation POST Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/portfolio PUT Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/portfolio/batch PUT Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/project PUT Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/project/batch PUT Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/workspace PUT Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/funds/workspace/batch PUT Funds ApiEntityFundInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFund to ApiEntityFundInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolio POST Portfolio ApiEntityPortfolioInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolio to ApiEntityPortfolioInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolio/batch POST Portfolio ApiEntityPortfolioInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolio to ApiEntityPortfolioInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolio PUT Portfolio ApiEntityPortfolioInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolio to ApiEntityPortfolioInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolio/batch PUT Portfolio ApiEntityPortfolioInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolio to ApiEntityPortfolioInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/project POST Project ApiEntityProjectInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProject to ApiEntityProjectInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/project/batch POST Project ApiEntityProjectInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProject to ApiEntityProjectInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/project/sync POST Project ApiEntityProjectInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject to ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/project/syncBatch POST Project ApiEntityProjectInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject to ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/project PUT Project ApiEntityProjectInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProject to ApiEntityProjectInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/project/batch PUT Project ApiEntityProjectInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProject to ApiEntityProjectInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectActuals POST Project Actuals ApiEntityProjectActualsInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectActuals to ApiEntityProjectActualsInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectActuals/batch POST Project Actuals ApiEntityProjectActualsInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectActuals to ApiEntityProjectActualsInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectActuals PUT Project Actuals ApiEntityProjectActualsInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectActuals to ApiEntityProjectActualsInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectActuals/batch PUT Project Actuals ApiEntityProjectActualsInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectActuals to ApiEntityProjectActualsInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectActualsLineItem POST Project Actuals Line Item ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItem to ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectActualsLineItem/batch POST Project Actuals Line Item ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItem to ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectActualsLineItem PUT Project Actuals Line Item ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItem to ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectActualsLineItem/batch PUT Project Actuals Line Item ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItem to ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItemInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/reason POST Reason ApiEntityReasonInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityReason to ApiEntityReasonInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/reason/batch POST Reason ApiEntityReasonInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityReason to ApiEntityReasonInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/reason/syncBatch POST Reason ApiEntityReasonInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityReason to ApiEntityReasonInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/reason PUT Reason ApiEntityReasonInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityReason to ApiEntityReasonInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/reason/batch PUT Reason ApiEntityReasonInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityReason to ApiEntityReasonInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/ruleOfCredit POST Rule of Credit ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRuleOfCredit to ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/ruleOfCredit/batch POST Rule of Credit ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRuleOfCredit to ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/ruleOfCredit/syncBatch POST Rule of Credit ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRuleOfCredit to ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/ruleOfCredit PUT Rule of Credit ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRuleOfCredit to ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/ruleOfCredit/batch PUT Rule of Credit ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRuleOfCredit to ApiEntityRuleOfCreditInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/wbs POST WBS ApiEntityWBSInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWBS to ApiEntityWBSInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/wbs/batch POST WBS ApiEntityWBSInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWBS to ApiEntityWBSInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/wbs PUT WBS ApiEntityWBSInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWBS to ApiEntityWBSInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/wbs/batch PUT WBS ApiEntityWBSInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWBS to ApiEntityWBSInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workManagerTask POST Work Manager Task ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkManagerTask to ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workManagerTask/batch POST Work Manager Task ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkManagerTask to ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workManagerTask/syncBatch POST Work Manager Task ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkManagerTask to ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workManagerTask PUT Work Manager Task ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkManagerTask to ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workManagerTask/batch PUT Work Manager Task ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkManagerTask to ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workManagerTaskCommitment POST Work Manager Task Commitment ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitment to ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workPackage POST Work Package ApiEntityWorkPackageInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkPackage to ApiEntityWorkPackageInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/workPackage PUT Work Package ApiEntityWorkPackageInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityWorkPackage to ApiEntityWorkPackageInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.