
The following updates were made for 24.4.



ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
ApiEntityCapitalPlanSnapshotInput Action  
ApiEntityProjectScheduleInput Action  
ApiEntityProjectSnapshotInput Action  
ApiEntityReportOverridesInput Action  
ApiEntitySnapshotInput Action  
ApiEntityApplicationUserGroupInput Application User Group  
ApiEntityCalendarExceptionInput Calendar  
ApiEntityCalendarInput Calendar  
ApiEntityCodeValueInput Code Value  
ApiEntityColumnDefinitionInput Configured Fields  
ApiEntityColumnDefinitionLocalizationInput Configured Fields  
ApiEntityFlexListValueInput Configured Fields  
ApiEntityListValueNMInput Configured Fields  
ApiEntityCurrencyInput Currency  
ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput Document Folder Structure Template  
ApiEntityEvaluationRankInput Exchange Rate  
ApiEntityExchangeRateInput Exchange Rate  
ApiEntityHolidayInput Holiday  
ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput Holiday List  
ApiEntityLocationInput Holiday List  
ApiEntityMeasureInput Measure  
ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput Measure Threshold  
ApiEntityMeasureThresholdItemInput Measure Threshold  
ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput Program Risk Weather Period  
ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput Project Risk Weather Period  
ApiEntityEntityReferenceInput Related Items  
ApiEntityReportCycleInput Report Cycle  
ApiEntityCodeValueResourceInput Resource  
ApiEntityExternallySourcedResourceInput Resource  
ApiEntityResourceInput Resource  
ApiEntityResourceDemandCostInput Resource Demand  
ApiEntityResourceDemandDataCostInput Resource Demand  
ApiEntityResourceDemandDataInput Resource Demand  
ApiEntityResourceDemandInput Resource Demand  
ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput Resource Role Assignment  
ApiEntityResourceWorkRateCostInput Resource Work Rate  
ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput Resource Work Rate  
ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput Risk Matrix  
ApiEntityRiskMatrixScoreInput Risk Matrix  
ApiEntityRiskMatrixScoreTypeInput Risk Matrix  
ApiEntityRiskMatrixToleranceInput Risk Matrix  
ApiEntityRiskScoreThresholdInput Risk Score Type  
ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput Risk Score Type  
ApiEntityThresholdInput Threshold  



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comment
link ApiEntityCapitalPlanSnapshotInput Action This field was made read only.
snapshotCode ApiEntityCapitalPlanSnapshotInput Action This field was made read only.
time ApiEntityCapitalPlanSnapshotInput Action This field was made read only.
type ApiEntityCapitalPlanSnapshotInput Action This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCapitalPlanSnapshotInput Action This field was made read only.
jobType ApiEntityJobDetail Action FORM_DOCUMENT_GRID_MIGRATION was removed from the list of allowed values for the field and SCENARIO_LINK_ALL was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
link ApiEntityProjectScheduleInput Action This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectScheduleInput Action This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectSnapshotInput Action This field was made read only.
snapshotCode ApiEntityProjectSnapshotInput Action This field was made read only.
time ApiEntityProjectSnapshotInput Action This field was made read only.
type ApiEntityProjectSnapshotInput Action This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectSnapshotInput Action This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityReportOverridesInput Action This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityReportOverridesInput Action This field was made read only.
ldapGuid ApiEntityApplicationUserGroupInput Application User Group This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityApplicationUserGroupInput Application User Group This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityApplicationUserGroupInput Application User Group This field was made read only.
calendarCode ApiEntityCalendarExceptionInput Calendar This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCalendarExceptionInput Calendar This field was made read only. 
updateDate ApiEntityCalendarExceptionInput Calendar This field was made read only.
workspaceCode ApiEntityCalendarExceptionInput Calendar This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityCalendarInput Calendar This field was made read only. 
link ApiEntityCalendarInput Calendar This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCalendarInput Calendar This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueInput Code Value This field was made read only.
parentCodeValueCode ApiEntityCodeValueInput Code Value This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueInput Code Value This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityColumnDefinitionInput Configured Fields This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityColumnDefinitionInput Configured Fields This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityColumnDefinitionInput Configured Fields This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityColumnDefinitionLocalizationInput Configured Fields This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityColumnDefinitionLocalizationInput Configured Fields This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityFlexListValueInput Configured Fields This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityFlexListValueInput Configured Fields This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityListValueNMInput Configured Fields This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityListValueNMInput Configured Fields This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityCurrencyInput Currency This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCurrencyInput Currency This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCurrencyInput Currency This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCurrencySeed Currency This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCurrencySeed Currency This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput Document Folder Structure Template This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput Document Folder Structure Template This field was made read only.
pushDownType ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput Document Folder Structure Template This field was made read only.
systemGenerated ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput Document Folder Structure Template This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput Document Folder Structure Template This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityEvaluationRankInput Evaluation Categories This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityEvaluationRankInput Evaluation Categories This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityExchangeRateInput Exchange Rate This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityExchangeRateInput Exchange Rate This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput Holiday List This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput Holiday List This field was made read only.
holidayGroupName ApiEntityHolidayInput Holiday List This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityHolidayInput Holiday List This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityHolidayInput Holiday List This field was made read only.
workspaceCode ApiEntityHolidayInput Holiday List This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityLocationInput Location This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityLocationInput Location This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityLocationInput Location This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityMeasureInput Measure This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityMeasureInput Measure This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityMeasureInput Measure This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput Measure Threshold This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput Measure Threshold This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityMeasureThresholdItemInput Measure Threshold This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityMeasureThresholdItemInput Measure Threshold This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput Program Risk Weather Period This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput Program Risk Weather Period This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput Project Risk Weather Period This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput Project Risk Weather Period This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityEntityReferenceInput Related Items This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityEntityReferenceInput Related Items This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityReportCycleInput Report Cycle This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityReportCycleInput Report Cycle This field was made read only.
codeTypeName ApiEntityCodeValueResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCodeValueResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
sequenceNumber ApiEntityCodeValueResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCodeValueResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityExternallySourcedResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
calendarName ApiEntityExternallySourcedResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityExternallySourcedResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
managerName ApiEntityExternallySourcedResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
projectAssociationType ApiEntityExternallySourcedResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
workspaceName ApiEntityExternallySourcedResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
calendarName ApiEntityResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
projectAssociationType ApiEntityResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
workspaceName ApiEntityResourceInput Resource This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityResourceDemandCostInput Resource Demand This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityResourceDemandCostInput Resource Demand This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityResourceDemandDataCostInput Resource Demand This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityResourceDemandDataCostInput Resource Demand This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityResourceDemandDataInput Resource Demand This field was made read only.
resourceDemandDataCost ApiEntityResourceDemandDataInput Resource Demand This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityResourceDemandDataInput Resource Demand This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityResourceDemandInput Resource Demand This field was made read only.
resourceDemandCost ApiEntityResourceDemandInput Resource Demand This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityResourceDemandInput Resource Demand This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput Resource Role Assignment This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput Resource Role Assignment This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityResourceWorkRateCostInput Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityResourceWorkRateCostInput Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput Resource Work Rate This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
impactLevels ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
probabilityLevels ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
referencedRiskMatrixId ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRiskMatrixScoreInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
matrixName ApiEntityRiskMatrixScoreInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRiskMatrixScoreInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRiskMatrixScoreTypeInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
matrixName ApiEntityRiskMatrixScoreTypeInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
riskScoreType ApiEntityRiskMatrixScoreTypeInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRiskMatrixScoreTypeInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRiskMatrixToleranceInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
riskMatrixName ApiEntityRiskMatrixToleranceInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRiskMatrixToleranceInput Risk Matrix This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRiskScoreThresholdInput Risk Score Type This field was made read only.
riskScoreTypeName ApiEntityRiskScoreThresholdInput Risk Score Type This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRiskScoreThresholdInput Risk Score Type This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput Risk Score Type This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput Risk Score Type This field was made read only.
referencedScoreTypeId ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput Risk Score Type This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput Risk Score Type This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityThresholdInput Threshold This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityThresholdInput Threshold This field was made read only.


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/action/capitalPlanSnapshot POST Action ApiEntityCapitalPlanSnapshotInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCapitalPlanSnapshot to ApiEntityCapitalPlanSnapshotInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/action/projectSnapshot POST Action ApiEntityProjectSnapshotInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectSnapshot to ApiEntityProjectSnapshotInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/action/report/run POST Action ApiEntityReportOverridesInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityReportOverrides to ApiEntityReportOverridesInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/action/scheduleProject POST Action ApiEntityProjectScheduleInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectSchedule to ApiEntityProjectScheduleInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/calendar POST Calendar ApiEntityCalendarInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCalendar to ApiEntityCalendarInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/calendar/batch POST Calendar ApiEntityCalendarInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCalendar to ApiEntityCalendarInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/calendar/syncBatch POST Calendar ApiEntityCalendarInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCalendar to ApiEntityCalendarInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/calendar PUT Calendar ApiEntityCalendarInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCalendar to ApiEntityCalendarInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/calendar/batch PUT Calendar ApiEntityCalendarInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCalendar to ApiEntityCalendarInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/codeValue POST Code Value ApiEntityCodeValueInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCodeValue to ApiEntityCodeValueInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/codeValue/batch POST Code Value ApiEntityCodeValueInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCodeValue to ApiEntityCodeValueInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/codeValue/syncBatch POST Code Value ApiEntityCodeValueInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCodeValue to ApiEntityCodeValueInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/codeValue PUT Code Value ApiEntityCodeValueInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCodeValue to ApiEntityCodeValueInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/codeValue/batch PUT Code Value ApiEntityCodeValueInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCodeValue to ApiEntityCodeValueInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/configuredField POST Configured Fields ApiEntityColumnDefinitionInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityColumnDefinition to ApiEntityColumnDefinitionInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/configuredField PUT Configured Fields ApiEntityColumnDefinitionInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityColumnDefinition to ApiEntityColumnDefinitionInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/currency POST Currency ApiEntityCurrencyInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCurrency to ApiEntityCurrencyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/currency/syncBatch POST Currency ApiEntityCurrencyInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCurrency to ApiEntityCurrencyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/currency PUT Currency ApiEntityCurrencyInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCurrency to ApiEntityCurrencyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/folderTemplate POST Document Folder Structure Template ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplate to ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/folderTemplate/batch POST Document Folder Structure Template ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplate to ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/folderTemplate/syncBatch POST Document Folder Structure Template ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplate to ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/folderTemplate PUT Document Folder Structure Template ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplate to ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/folderTemplate/batch PUT Document Folder Structure Template ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplate to ApiEntityDocumentFolderStructureTemplateInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/exchangeRate POST Exchange Rate ApiEntityExchangeRateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityExchangeRate to ApiEntityExchangeRateInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/holidayList POST Holiday List ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityHolidayGroup to ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/holidayList/batch POST Holiday List ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityHolidayGroup to ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/holidayList/syncBatch POST Holiday List ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityHolidayGroup to ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/holidayList PUT Holiday List ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityHolidayGroup to ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/holidayList/batch PUT Holiday List ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityHolidayGroup to ApiEntityHolidayGroupInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/location POST Location ApiEntityLocationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityLocation to ApiEntityLocationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/location/batch POST Location ApiEntityLocationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityLocation to ApiEntityLocationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/location/syncBatch POST Location ApiEntityLocationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityLocation to ApiEntityLocationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/location PUT Location ApiEntityLocationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityLocation to ApiEntityLocationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/location/batch PUT Location ApiEntityLocationInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityLocation to ApiEntityLocationInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/measure POST Measure ApiEntityMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityMeasure to ApiEntityMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/measure/batch POST Measure ApiEntityMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityMeasure to ApiEntityMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/measure/syncBatch POST Measure ApiEntityMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityMeasure to ApiEntityMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/measure PUT Measure ApiEntityMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityMeasure to ApiEntityMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/measure/batch PUT Measure ApiEntityMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityMeasure to ApiEntityMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/measureThreshold POST Measure Threshold ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityMeasure Threshold to ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/measureThreshold/batch POST Measure Threshold ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityMeasure Threshold to ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/measureThreshold/syncBatch POST Measure Threshold ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityMeasure Threshold to ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/measureThreshold PUT Measure Threshold ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityMeasure Threshold to ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/measureThreshold/batch PUT Measure Threshold ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityMeasure Threshold to ApiEntityMeasureThresholdInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRiskWeatherPeriod POST Program Risk Weather Period ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriod to ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRiskWeatherPeriod/batch POST Program Risk Weather Period ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriod to ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRiskWeatherPeriod/syncBatch POST Program Risk Weather Period ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriod to ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRiskWeatherPeriod PUT Program Risk Weather Period ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriod to ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/programRiskWeatherPeriod/batch PUT Program Risk Weather Period ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriod to ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskWeatherPeriod POST Project Risk Weather Period ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriod to ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskWeatherPeriod/batch POST Project Risk Weather Period ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriod to ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskWeatherPeriod/syncBatch POST Project Risk Weather Period ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriod to ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskWeatherPeriod PUT Project Risk Weather Period ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriod to ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskWeatherPeriod/batch PUT Project Risk Weather Period ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriod to ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/entityReference/batch POST Related Items ApiEntityEntityReferenceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityEntityReference to ApiEntityEntityReferenceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/entityReference/link POST Related Items ApiEntityEntityReferenceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityEntityReference to ApiEntityEntityReferenceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/entityReference/syncBatch POST Related Items ApiEntityEntityReferenceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityEntityReference to ApiEntityEntityReferenceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/entityReference/unLink PUT Related Items ApiEntityEntityReferenceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityEntityReference to ApiEntityEntityReferenceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/reportCycle POST Report Cycle ApiEntityReportCycleInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityReportCycle to ApiEntityReportCycleInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/reportCycle/batch POST Report Cycle ApiEntityReportCycleInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityReportCycle to ApiEntityReportCycleInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/reportCycle/syncBatch POST Report Cycle ApiEntityReportCycleInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityReportCycle to ApiEntityReportCycleInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/reportCycle PUT Report Cycle ApiEntityReportCycleInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityReportCycle to ApiEntityReportCycleInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/reportCycle/batch PUT Report Cycle ApiEntityReportCycleInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityReportCycle to ApiEntityReportCycleInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resource POST Resource ApiEntityResourceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResource to ApiEntityResourceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resource/batch POST Resource ApiEntityResourceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResource to ApiEntityResourceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resource/sync POST Resource ApiEntityResourceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityExternallyResource to ApiEntityExternallyResourceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resource/syncBatch POST Resource ApiEntityResourceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityExternallyResource toApiEntityExternallyResourceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resource PUT Resource ApiEntityResourceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResource to ApiEntityResourceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resource/batch PUT Resource ApiEntityResourceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResource to ApiEntityResourceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceDemand POST Resource Demand ApiEntityResourceDemandInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceDemand to ApiEntityResourceDemandInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceDemand/batch POST Resource Demand ApiEntityResourceDemandInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceDemand to ApiEntityResourceDemandInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceDemand/syncBatch POST Resource Demand ApiEntityResourceDemandInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceDemand to ApiEntityResourceDemandInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceDemand PUT Resource Demand ApiEntityResourceDemandInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceDemand to ApiEntityResourceDemandInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceDemand/batch PUT Resource Demand ApiEntityResourceDemandInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceDemand to ApiEntityResourceDemandInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceRoleAssignment POST Resource Role Assignment ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignment to ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceRoleAssignment/batch POST Resource Role Assignment ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignment to ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceRoleAssignment/syncBatch POST Resource Role Assignment ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignment to ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceRoleAssignment PUT Resource Role Assignment ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignment to ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceRoleAssignment/batch PUT Resource Role Assignment ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignment to ApiEntityResourceRoleAssignmentInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceWorkRate POST Resource Work Rate ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceWorkRate to ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput . The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceWorkRate/batch POST Resource Work Rate ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceWorkRate to ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput . The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceWorkRate/syncBatch POST Resource Work Rate ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceWorkRate to ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput . The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceWorkRate PUT Resource Work Rate ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceWorkRate to ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput . The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/resourceWorkRate/batch PUT Resource Work Rate ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityResourceWorkRate to ApiEntityResourceWorkRateInput . The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskMatrix POST Risk Matrix ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskMatrix to ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskMatrix/batch POST Risk Matrix ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskMatrix to ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskMatrix/syncBatch POST Risk Matrix ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskMatrix to ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskMatrix PUT Risk Matrix ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskMatrix to ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskMatrix/batch PUT Risk Matrix ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskMatrix to ApiEntityRiskMatrixInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskScoreType POST Risk Score Type ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskScoreType to ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskScoreType/batch POST Risk Score Type ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskScoreType to ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskScoreType/syncBatch POST Risk Score Type ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskScoreType to ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskScoreType PUT Risk Score Type ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskScoreType to ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/riskScoreType/batch PUT Risk Score Type ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityRiskScoreType to ApiEntityRiskScoreTypeInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/threshold POST Threshold ApiEntityThresholdInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityThreshold to ApiEntityThresholdInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/threshold/batch POST Threshold ApiEntityThresholdInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityThreshold to ApiEntityThresholdInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/threshold PUT Threshold ApiEntityThresholdInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityThreshold to ApiEntityThresholdInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/threshold/batch PUT Threshold ApiEntityThresholdInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityThreshold to ApiEntityThresholdInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.