
The following updates were made for 24.6.



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
baselineCategoryId ApiEntityBaseline Action  
baselineCategoryName ApiEntityBaseline Action  
baselineCategoryId ApiEntityBaselineInput Action  
baselineCategoryName ApiEntityBaselineInput Action  
baselineCategories ApiEntityCombinedAssignUnassignRequest Dictionary  
baselineCategoryId ApiEntityUserBaseline Action  
baselineCategoryName ApiEntityUserBaseline Action  


ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
ApiEntityAssignmentFavoriteInput  Assignment Favorite  
ApiEntityAcitivityFavoriteInput Activity Favorite  
ApiEntityBaselineCategory Baseline Category  
ApiEntityBaselineCategoryInput Baseline Category  
ApiEntityCapitalPortfolioMemberInput Capital Portfolio Member  
ApiEntityProjectCostingSourceInput CBS  
ApiEntityCostCategoryInput Cost Category  
ApiEntityCurveBucketInput Curve  
ApiEntityCurveInput Curve  
ApiEntityAssignUnassignRequestBaselineCategoryIdentifier Dictionary  
ApiEntityFundActualCostInput Fund Actual  
ApiEntityFundActualInput Fund Actual  
ApiEntityCodeValueIdeaInput Idea  
ApiEntityIdeaConfiguredFieldValueInput Idea  
ApiEntityIdeaInput Idea  
ApiEntityPBSInput PBS  
ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput Portfolio Measure  
ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput Portfolio Measure Manual Value  
ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput Project Company  
ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput Project Dependency  
ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedCostDataInput Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data  
ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data  
ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedCostDataInput Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data  
ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data  
ApiEntityScopeAssignmentTimePhasedMilestoneInput Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data  
ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedCostDataInput Scope Assignment Planned Time Phased Data  
ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput Scope Assignment Planned Time Phased Data  
ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput Scope Item Assignment Activity  
ApiEntityCalcAcitvitySpreadInput Spreads  
ApiEntityCalcAssignmentSpreadInput Spreads  
ApiEntityUnitOfMeasureInput Units Of Measure  
ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskFavoriteInput Work Manager Task  
ApiEntityStepInstance Workflow  
ApiEntityTaskInstance Workflow  
ApiEntityTaskPerformer Workflow  
ApiEntityWorkflowInstance Workflow  


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/baselineCategory POST Baseline Category ApiEntityBaselineCategoryInput  
/baselineCategory PUT Baseline Category ApiEntityBaselineCategoryInput  
/baselineCategory/{baselineCategoryId} DELETE Baseline Category ApiEntityBaselineCategoryInput  
/baselineCategory/{baselineCategoryId} GET Baseline Category ApiEntityBaselineCategoryInput  
/baselineCategory/batch DELETE Baseline Category ApiEntityBaselineCategoryInput  
/baselineCategory/batch POST Baseline Category ApiEntityBaselineCategoryInput  
/baselineCategory/batch PUT Baseline Category ApiEntityBaselineCategoryInput  
/baselineCategory/name/{baselineCategoryName} GET Baseline Category ApiEntityBaselineCategoryInput  
/baselineCategory/syncBatch POST Baseline Category ApiEntityBaselineCategoryInput  
/baselineCategory/workspace/{workspaceId} GET Baseline Category ApiEntityBaselineCategoryInput  
/budgetPlanningScenario/refresh/{scenarioId} PUT Budget Planning Scenario ApiEntityBudgetPlanningScenario  
/workflowInstance GET Workflow ApiEntityWorkflowInstance  
/workflowInstance/steps GET Workflow ApiEntityStepInstance  
/workflowInstance/steps/tasks GET Workflow ApiEntityTaskInstance  



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
distributionShape ApiEntityApplyActivityUncertainity Action BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
jobType ApiEntityJobDetail Action P6_IMPORT_MIGRATION_JOB was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
distributionShape ApiEntityActivityUncertainty Activity BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
distributionShape ApiEntityActivityUncertaintyInput Activity BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
link ApiEntityActivityFavoriteInput Activity Favorite This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityActivityFavoriteInput Activity Favorite This field was made read only.
shape ApiEntityActivityRiskQuantifiedOtherImpact Activity Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
shape ApiEntityActivityRiskQuantifiedOtherImpactInput Activity Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
link ApiEntityAssignmentFavoriteInput Assignment Favorite This field was made read only. 
updateDate ApiEntityAssignmentFavoriteInput Assignment Favorite This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCapitalPortfolioMemberInput Capital Portfolio Member This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCapitalPortfolioMemberInput Capital Portfolio Member This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectCostingSourceInput CBS This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectCostingSourceInput CBS This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityCostCategoryInput Cost Category This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCostCategoryInput Cost Category This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCostCategoryInput Cost Category This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCurveBucketInput Curve This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCurveBucketInput Curve This field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityCurveInput Curve This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityCurveInput Curve This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityCurveInput Curve This field was made read only.
assignedCost ApiEntityFundActualCostInput Fund Actual The field was made read only.
assignedCostWorkspace1 ApiEntityFundActualCostInput Fund Actual The field was made read only.
assignedCostWorkspace2 ApiEntityFundActualCostInput Fund Actual The field was made read only.
assignedCostWorkspace3 ApiEntityFundActualCostInput Fund Actual The field was made read only.
link ApiEntityFundActualCostInput Fund Actual The field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityFundActualCostInput Fund Actual The field was made read only.
link ApiEntityFundActualInput Fund Actual The field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityFundActualInput Fund Actual The field was made read only.
createDate ApiEntityIdeaInput Idea This field was made read only.
createUser ApiEntityIdeaInput Idea This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityIdeaInput Idea This field was made read only.
owner ApiEntityIdeaInput Idea This field was made read only.
statusDate ApiEntityIdeaInput Idea This field was made read only.
submitDate ApiEntityIdeaInput Idea This field was made read only.
submitUser ApiEntityIdeaInput Idea This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityIdeaInput Idea This field was made read only.
updateUser ApiEntityIdeaInput Idea This field was made read only.
distributionShape ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityDeterministicValues Monte Carlo Activity Deterministic Values BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
samplingShape ApiEntityMonteCarloRunSettings Monte Carlo Run Settings BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
link ApiEntityPBSInput PBS This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityPBSInput PBS This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput Portfolio Measure This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput Portfolio Measure This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput Portfolio Measure Manual Value This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput Portfolio Measure Manual Value This field was made read only.
postResponseDistributionShape ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpact Program Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
preResponseDistributionShape ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpact Program Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
postResponseDistributionShape ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
preResponseDistributionShape ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Program Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
shape ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedOtherImpact Program Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
shape ApiEntityProgramRiskQuantifiedOtherImpactInput Program Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
shape ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriod Program Risk Weather Period BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
shape ApiEntityProgramRiskWeatherPeriodInput Program Risk Weather Period BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
link ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput Project Company This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput Project Company This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput Project Dependency This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput Project Dependency This field was made read only.
postResponseDistributionShape ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpact Project Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
preResponseDistributionShape ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpact Project Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
postResponseDistributionShape ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
preResponseDistributionShape ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedCostImpactInput Project Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
shape ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedOtherImpact Project Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
shape ApiEntityRiskQuantifiedOtherImpactInput Project Risk BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
shape ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriod Project Risk Weather Period BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
shape ApiEntityRiskWeatherPeriodInput Project Risk Weather Period BETAPERT was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
actualsCost ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedCostDataInput Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedCostDataInput Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedCostDataInput Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
installedCost ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedCostDataInput Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedCostDataInput Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedCostDataInput Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeAssignmentTimePhasedMilestoneInput Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeAssignmentTimePhasedMilestoneInput Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedCostDataInput Scope Assignment Planned Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedCostDataInput Scope Assignment Planned Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput Scope Assignment Planned Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput Scope Assignment Planned Time Phased Data The field was made read only.
link ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput Scope Item Assignment Activity The field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput Scope Item Assignment Activity The field was made read only.
associationType ApiEntityUnitOfMeasureInput Unit of Measure This field was made read only.
link ApiEntityUnitOfMeasureInput Unit of Measure This field was made read only.
updateDate ApiEntityUnitOfMeasureInput Unit of Measure This field was made read only.
settingName ApiEntityApplicationUserSetting User Preferences GroupThemeUpdatedSeen was removed from the list of allowed values for the field.


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/capitalPortfolioMember POST Capital Portfolio Member ApiEntityCapitalPortfolioMemberInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCapitalPortfolioMember to ApiEntityCapitalPortfolioMemberInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/capitalPortfolioMember/batch POST Capital Portfolio Member ApiEntityCapitalPortfolioMemberInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCapitalPortfolioMember to ApiEntityCapitalPortfolioMemberInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/project/{projectId}/projectCostingSource POST CBS ApiEntityProjectCostingSourceInput  The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectCostingSource to ApiEntityProjectCostingSourceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/project/{projectId}/projectCostingSource PUT CBS ApiEntityProjectCostingSourceInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectCostingSource to ApiEntityProjectCostingSourceInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/costCategory POST Cost Category ApiEntityCostCategoryInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCostCategory to ApiEntityCostCategoryInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/costCategory/batch POST Cost Category ApiEntityCostCategoryInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCostCategory to ApiEntityCostCategoryInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/costCategory/syncBatch POST Cost Category ApiEntityCostCategoryInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCostCategory to ApiEntityCostCategoryInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/costCategory PUT Cost Category ApiEntityCostCategoryInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCostCategory to ApiEntityCostCategoryInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/costCategory/batch PUT Cost Category ApiEntityCostCategoryInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCostCategory to ApiEntityCostCategoryInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/curve POST Curve ApiEntityCurve The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCurve to ApiEntityCurveInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/curve/batch POST Curve ApiEntityCurve The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCurve to ApiEntityCurveInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/curve/syncBatch POST Curve ApiEntityCurve The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCurve to ApiEntityCurveInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/curve PUT Curve ApiEntityCurve The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCurve to ApiEntityCurveInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/curve/batch PUT Curve ApiEntityCurve The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityCurve to ApiEntityCurveInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/dictionary/manageSharedData POST Dictionary ApiEntityCombinedAssignUnassignRequest The endpoint was enhanced to support assign or promote action for baseline categories.
/fundActual POST Fund Actual ApiEntityFundActualInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFundActual to ApiEntityFundActualInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/fundActual/batch POST Fund Actual ApiEntityFundActualInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFundActual to ApiEntityFundActualInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/fundActual/syncBatch POST Fund Actual ApiEntityFundActualInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFundActual to ApiEntityFundActualInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/fundActual PUT Fund Actual ApiEntityFundActualInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFundActual to ApiEntityFundActualInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/fundActual/batch PUT Fund Actual ApiEntityFundActualInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityFundActual to ApiEntityFundActualInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/idea POST Idea ApiEntityIdeaInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityIdea to ApiEntityIdeaInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/idea/batch POST Idea ApiEntityIdeaInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityIdea to ApiEntityIdeaInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/idea/batchCreateOrUpdate POST Idea ApiEntityIdeaInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityIdea to ApiEntityIdeaInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/idea/syncBatch POST Idea ApiEntityIdeaInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityIdea to ApiEntityIdeaInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/idea PUT Idea ApiEntityIdeaInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityIdea to ApiEntityIdeaInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/idea/batch PUT Idea ApiEntityIdeaInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityIdea to ApiEntityIdeaInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/pbs POST PBS ApiEntityPBSInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPBS to ApiEntityPBSInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/pbs PUT PBS ApiEntityPBSInput  The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPBS to ApiEntityPBSInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolioMeasure POST Portfolio Measure ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolioMeasure to ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolioMeasure/batch POST Portfolio Measure ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolioMeasure to ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolioMeasure/syncBatch POST Portfolio Measure ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolioMeasure to ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolioMeasure PUT Portfolio Measure ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolioMeasure to ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolioMeasure/batch PUT Portfolio Measure ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolioMeasure to ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolioMeasureManualValue POST Portfolio Measure Manual Value ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValue to ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolioMeasureManualValue/batch POST Portfolio Measure Manual Value ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValue to ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolioMeasureManualValue/syncBatch POST Portfolio Measure Manual Value ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValue to ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolioMeasureManualValue PUT Portfolio Measure Manual Value ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValue to ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/portfolioMeasureManualValue/batch PUT Portfolio Measure Manual Value ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValue to ApiEntityPortfolioMeasureManualValueInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectCompany POST Project Company ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput  The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectCompany to ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectCompany/batch POST Project Company ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput  The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectCompany to ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectCompany/batchCreateOrUpdate POST Project Company ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput  The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectCompany to ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectCompany/syncBatch POST Project Company ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput  The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectCompany to ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectCompany PUT Project Company ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectCompany to ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectCompany/batch PUT Project Company ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectCompany to ApiEntityProjectCompanyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectDependency POST Project Dependency ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput  The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectDependency to ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectDependency/batch POST Project Dependency ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput  The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectDependency to ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectDependency/syncBatch POST Project Dependency ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput  The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectDependency to ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectDependency PUT Project Dependency ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput  The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectDependency to ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/projectDependency/batch PUT Project Dependency ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput  The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityProjectDependency to ApiEntityProjectDependencyInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/actualsTimePhasedData POST Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/actualsTimePhasedData/batch POST Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/actualsTimePhasedData/syncBatch POST Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/actualsTimePhasedData PUT Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/actualsTimePhasedData/batch PUT Scope Assignment Actuals Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/installedTimePhasedData POST Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/installedTimePhasedData/batch POST Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/installedTimePhasedData/syncBatch POST Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/installedTimePhasedData PUT Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/installedTimePhasedData/batch PUT Scope Assignment Installed Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/plannedTimePhasedData POST Scope Assignment Planned Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/plannedTimePhasedData/batch POST Scope Assignment Planned Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/plannedTimePhasedData/syncBatch POST Scope Assignment Planned Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/plannedTimePhasedData PUT Scope Assignment Planned Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/plannedTimePhasedData/batch PUT Scope Assignment Planned Time Phased Data ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedData to ApiEntityScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/scopeItemAssignmentActivity POST Scope Item Assignment Activity ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivity to ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/scopeItemAssignmentActivity/batch POST Scope Item Assignment Activity ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivity to ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/scopeItemAssignmentActivity/syncBatch POST Scope Item Assignment Activity ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivity to ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/scopeItemAssignmentActivity PUT Scope Item Assignment Activity ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivity to ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/scopeItemAssignmentActivity/batch PUT Scope Item Assignment Activity ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivity to ApiEntityScopeItemAssignmentActivityInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity. 
/unitsOfMeasure POST Units Of Measure ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasure to ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/unitsOfMeasure/batch POST Units Of Measure ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasure to ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/unitsOfMeasure/syncBatch POST Units Of Measure ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasure to ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/unitsOfMeasure PUT Units Of Measure ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasure to ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.
/unitsOfMeasure/batch PUT Units Of Measure ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasureInput The request body entity has been changed from ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasure to ApiEntityUnitsOfMeasureInput. The read only fields have been deprecated in the new entity.