CBS REST Endpoints

The operations from the CBS category.
Batch Integrate CBSs with an External Data Source
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/project/syncBatch
Create a Project CBS
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/createprojectCBS
Create a Project Costing Source
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/project/{projectId}/projectCostingSource
Create a Workspace CBS
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/createworkspaceCBS
Delete a Project CBS Code by Project CBS ID
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/project/{cbsSheetCodeId}
Delete a Workspace CBS Code by Workspace CBS ID
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/workspace/{cbsTemplateCodeId}
Import a Workspace CBS to a Program
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/import/workspaceCbs/{cbsTemplateCodeId}/program/{programId}
Integrate a CBS with an External Data Source
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/project/sync
Push Down all Workspace CBS Code to Project
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/import/workspace/{workspaceCode}/project/{projectCode}
Reset all Program CBS Template Codes
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/resetProgramCBS/program/{programId}
Reset all Project Cost Sheet Code
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/resetCostSheet/workspace/{workspaceCode}/project/{projectCode}
Reset Workspace CBS Template
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/resetCBSTemplate/workspace/{workspaceCode}
Update a Project CBS Code by CBS
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/project
Update a Project Costing Source
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/project/{projectId}/projectCostingSource
Update a Workspace CBS Code
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/workspace
View a CBS Sheet Code by Project and CBS Code
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/project/{projectId}/code/{cbsCode}
View a CBS Sheet Total Cost Row by Project
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/project/{projectId}/totalCost
View a Project CBS
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/projectCbs/{cbsSheetCodeId}
View a Project Costing Source
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/project/{projectId}/projectCostingSource
View a Workspace CBS
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/workspaceCbs/{cbsTemplateCodeId}
View a workspace CBS by code
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/workspace/byItemCode
View a Workspace Total Item by ID and Template Type
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/aggregate/reference/{referenceObjectId}
View all Project CBS Assigned to a Project
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/project/{projectId}
View all project CBSs by parent code
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/project/byParent
View all Workspace CBS Codes Assigned to a Workspace
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/workspace/{workspaceId}
View all workspace CBSs by parent code
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/workspace/byParent
View Integrated CBSs
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/cbs/project/externallySourced