Perform Project Resource Leveling



Send a request to this endpoint to perform project resource leveling. This endpoint returns a job ID upon execution of the request. Send a request to the View Job Status endpoint to monitor the status of scheduled jobs. Resource leveling ensures your project schedules do not overallocate the projects available resources. Performing resource leveling delays simultaneous activities so that overallocated resources and roles may work on activities consecutively.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : ApiEntityLevelerOption
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityLevelerOption
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Nested Schema : priorities
Type: array
Prioritizes resources and roles during leveling and used when more than one activity competes for the same resource or role at the same time.
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Nested Schema : resourceOrRoles
Type: array
Unique Items Required: true
Option to enable leveling by resource or leveling by role.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityLevelingPriority
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityLevelingPriority
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  • Maximum Length: 4000
    Fields to be used to prioritize resources or roles during leveling.
    The order in which to level resources or roles for the fields chosen for priority.

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Supported Media Types

201 Response

The object was successfully created.
Body ()
Root Schema : ApiEntityScheduleJob
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityScheduleJob
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400 Response

Invalid input for the Action service.
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