Run a Report



Send a request to this endpoint to run a report. This endpoint returns a job ID upon execution of the request. Send a request to the View Job Status endpoint to monitor the status of scheduled jobs. Reports are user-defined synopses that contain detailed or summarized information about your projects. Reports may be output in a variety of file formats, including PDF, XLS, RTF, HTML, and XML.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : ApiEntityReportOverridesInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityReportOverridesInput
This entity represents a ReportOverrides object, a unique ReportOverrides object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
  • reportId
  • reportCode,workspaceId
  • reportCode,workspaceCode
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  • Allowed Values: [ "PDF", "EXCEL", "XLSX", "HTML", "RTF", "XML" ]
    The default output format for the report. The valid values are HTML, Excel, PDF, RTF, and XML.
  • Indicates whether or not the report includes its descendants.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 24.4.
    The self-link to the object. This field is populated only in the responses generated by the batch create APIs.
  • Allowed Values: [ "PORTRAIT", "LANDSCAPE" ]
    The page orientation of a report.
  • portfolio
    This field represents the portfolio in which the program runs on. Fields program, portfolio and project are mutually exclusive and should not be provided as a combination in the payload. If given, the report runs for the workspace.
  • program
    This field represents the program in which the program runs on. Fields program, portfolio and project are mutually exclusive and should not be provided as a combination in the payload. If given, the report runs for the workspace.
  • project
    This field represents the project in which the program runs on. Fields program, portfolio and project are mutually exclusive and should not be provided as a combination in the payload. If given, the report runs for the workspace.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The unique identifier for the report.
  • The system-generated identifier of a report.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 24.4.
    Date when the record was last updated.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The user-specified identifier of a workspace.
  • The system-generated identifier of a workspace.
Nested Schema : portfolio
This field represents the portfolio in which the program runs on. Fields program, portfolio and project are mutually exclusive and should not be provided as a combination in the payload. If given, the report runs for the workspace.
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Nested Schema : program
This field represents the program in which the program runs on. Fields program, portfolio and project are mutually exclusive and should not be provided as a combination in the payload. If given, the report runs for the workspace.
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Nested Schema : project
This field represents the project in which the program runs on. Fields program, portfolio and project are mutually exclusive and should not be provided as a combination in the payload. If given, the report runs for the workspace.
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Nested Schema : PortfolioIdentifier
Type: object
Title: PortfolioIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProgramIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProjectIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectIdentifier
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Supported Media Types

201 Response

The object was successfully created.
Body ()
Root Schema : ApiEntityScheduleJob
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityScheduleJob
Show Source

400 Response

Invalid input for the Action service.
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