Update an Approved Resource Plan

When it is determined that an approved portfolio resource plan must be revised, an identical scenario can be created by duplicating the approved plan. The new scenario can then be updated as needed. The approved plan will remain in the Approved state until the new scenario has been approved.

To update an approved resource plan:

  1. In the object selector, select a portfolio.
  2. In the sidebar, hover over Resources, and select Resource Planning.
  3. On the Resource Planning page, select the approved scenario menu, and select Duplicate.
  4. In the Duplicate Scenario dialog box, select the Scenario Type, enter a name for the updated plan, and select the Planning Period.

    Note: When duplicating across types, resource to budget or conversely, the default displayed planning year is the current planning year.

  5. Select Duplicate.
  6. Update the scenario.


Last Published Monday, June 24, 2024