Resource Plan Approval Process Overview

After one or more portfolio resource plan scenarios have been created by the portfolio manager, the manager typically sends one or more unapproved plan scenarios out for review to stakeholders, sends proposed role allocations to project managers for negotiations, and then sends the final plan scenario out for approval.

Before the process begins, you should assign users to the various approval process roles.

Scenarios can be sent for review and approval by the portfolio manager from the Resource Planning page. There are four options for reviewing or approving a scenario. Send for Review, Propose, and Send for Approval are optional steps.

When a resource plan scenario is approved, the proposed role allocations become the approved role allocation values for each project, and the approved scenario becomes the resource plan for the planning period.

Related Topics

Send a Resource Plan Scenario for Review

Review a Resource Plan Scenario Sent for Review

Monitor a Resource Plan Scenario Review

Propose a Resource Plan Scenario

Review a Proposed Resource Plan Scenario

Monitor Resource Plan Negotiations for a Proposed Resource Plan Scenario

Send a Resource Plan Scenario for Approval

Approve a Resource Plan Scenario

Update an Approved Resource Plan

Resource Plan Scenario Status Reference

Last Published Monday, June 24, 2024