View the Progress Spotlight

The Progress Spotlight tool is useful when you are progressing your activities and need to know which activities fall within your update period. When enabled, the spotlight highlights a time period in the Gantt chart. Any activity whose start or finish date falls within the period is also highlighted in the table.

The default spotlight interval is determined by the current timescale interval. For example, if the timescale is set to weekly intervals, the default spotlight interval highlights one week from the data date. If a monthly timescale is selected, then the spotlight highlights one month from the data date. You can drag the edge of the spotlight to highlight any period of time after the data date. Disable and then enable the spotlight to view the default interval.

To view the Progress Spotlight:

  1. Navigate to the Activities page
  2. On the Layout menu, select the Gantt icon, and then select Gantt Settings.
  3. On the menu, select Progress Spotlight.
  4. Click and drag the edge of the spotlight to highlight a custom time period.


Last Published Tuesday, May 21, 2024