Add the Change Status to Owner Assigned Task Step

Note: This topic is part of the Custom Idea Workflow: Example series.

After the New Idea Review form has been completed, an owner has been assigned. This step, immediately following the completion of the form, will update the status of the idea to Owner Assigned.

To add the Change Status to Owner Assigned Task step:

  1. On the Workflow Design toolbar, select Add a task step, and drag it onto the workflow design canvas.
  2. Place the new step below the Complete Basic Information step icon.
  3. In the Step area, in the Name field, enter Change Status to Owner Assigned.
  4. Select Add , and then select Update Field Task.
  5. In the Update Field Task Details dialog box, in the Name field, enter Status Change to Owner Assigned, and then select OK.
  6. On the workflow design canvas, in the Complete Basic Information step icon, select Draw Path icon Draw connector line, and then select the Change Status to Owner Assigned step icon.
  7. Select Save.