Create a Work Package

Create work packages to track and manage related work items.

To create a work package:

  1. Add a Work Package
  2. Assign a Manager to a Work Package.

    This can be done as part of step 1 or done separately.

  3. Set the Progress Measure for a Work Package
  4. Set the Percent Complete Weight Method for a Work Package
  5. Add a File in a Files Detail Window
  6. Assign a Scope Item to a Work Package
  7. Distribute Hours and Quantities for a Scope Assignment Per Timescale Interval
  8. Assign a Manager to a Scope Assignment

If you are linking work packages and scope assignments to the schedule, perform the following tasks.

  1. Set the Activity Percent Complete Weight Method for a Work Package.
  2. Link a Work Package to an Activity
  3. Link an Activity to a Scope Assignment

During the work package planning process, you can capture progress and track changes by saving project baselines.