Forecast Approval

The organization can configure approval requirements for forecasts at the location or revenue center level. If you approve or reject a forecast for a location, all revenue centers that belong to the location show the same status. The following list describes the available approval statuses:

  • Generated: The system has generated the forecast but it has not been approved or rejected.

  • Pending: The forecast has been approved but is still awaiting approval or rejection by all persons responsible. For example, if a location has multiple revenue centers and you approve the forecast for one revenue center, the system sets the status to Pending until all other revenue centers approve.

  • Approved: The forecast has been approved and locked from changes. To edit the forecast, you must have the correct privileges, change the status from an approved or rejected state, make the changes, and then re-submit the forecast for review.

  • Rejected: The forecast has been rejected and sent to the creator for changes and re-submitting.

You cannot configure forecast approval at the organization level or the forecast component level.