Configuring the Device

To configure your Mobile Solutions device, tap Configure Device on the sign in screen, and then enter the password.


To determine the password, add the current year + month + day (YYYY+MM+DD). For example, to access the Configure Device screen on November 3, 2020, the password is 2034 (11+03+2020).

This image shows the login screen with the Configure Device link.

This image shows the Configure Device screen.

  • Company: Update the company name.

  • Web Service URL: Update the Web Service URL. This field cannot be blank.

  • Test Connection: Test the connection to the Web Service URL.

  • Timeout Network Check: Specify the number of seconds to wait for a network response before application timeout.

  • Allow Untrusted Certificates: Allow Mobile Solutions to connect to hosts with untrusted certificates.

  • Scanner Timeout: Specify the number of seconds to wait before scanner timeout.