Updating Server Names in Application Server and Services Configurations

The following server and service configurations may need to be updated after installing a new application server.

If you are running services on separate servers, reinstall the services using the installation media to ensure the services are configured with the new server name where applicable.

  • Gift and Loyalty changes:

    1. Change the execution server for Gift and Loyalty DB syncs.

    2. Navigate to iCare GPL, Initial iCare GPL Setup and Configuration, DB Sync Schedule, and then change all server name instances to point to the newly installed Gift and Loyalty Server name.

  • Admin server service changes:

    1. Change the execution server for admin server exports.

    2. Navigate to the MICROS Org, Admin, Admin schedule and edit the execution server for each schedule.

  • Inventory Management changes:

    1. Update the Inventory to Reporting and Analytics webservice for posting report data.

      Sign in to the Inventory Management/Organizations application, navigate to Web Services Definitions (or edit the Organization if default has been overridden), and then update the Reporting and Analytics Web Service with the new Reporting and Analytics host name.

    2. Update Inventory Management web.config

      Open the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\InventoryManagement\web.config file and then edit Allowed Domains by entering the new Reporting and Analytics host name.

  • Simphony changes:

    Change the Reporting and Analytics and Gift and Loyalty server names in the Simphony EMC:

    1. In the EMC, go to Setup, Enterprise Parameters, Reporting and Analytics, and update the following fields:

      • Reporting & Analytics Machine name

      • Enterprise Labor Management URL

      • Property Labor Management URL

    2. If labor is enabled at property level, navigate to Property parameters, Timekeeping, and then click Update labor Management URL.

    3. If Gift and Loyalty is enabled:

      1. Within the enterprise or property, click Setup, and then click Loyalty Driver.

      2. Update WebAddress with the new Gift and Loyalty host.

      3. Within the enterprise or property, click Setup, and then click Stored Value Driver.