Setting Server-Wide Notifications

System Administrators can use Enterprise Message to create server-wide notification messages to be shown on the Reporting and Analytics login screen. This lets system administrators communicate information to all hosted organizations, such as upcoming downtime for maintenance, application version updates with a link to a change log, and security warnings.

  1. Log in to Reporting and Analytics using system administrator credentials for the M organization.
  2. Navigate to the Enterprise Message portlet. If you do not see the portlet, create and assign an instance of the portlet to the system administrator role.
  3. Click Add, or select an existing message and then click Edit.
  4. Fill out the form to configure the message, and then click Save:
    1. Enter a name to identify the message instance.
    2. Enter a header and up to three lines of messages using HTML tags for text formatting and hyperlinks. These fields block script tags.
    3. Select the date and time range that Reporting and Analytics shows the message.