Oracle CRM On Demand JavaScript API Developer's Guide > JavaScript API Reference > Methods for the Field Object >

Getting and Setting LIC Values of Picklists

You can use the getLICValue() and setLICValue() methods to respectively get and set language independent code (LIC) values for picklists as opposed to the language dependent code (LDC) values that are displayed on the screen.

You can use the getLICValue() and setLICValue() methods for New, Edit, Detail, and List pages (including related item lists). On Detail pages, and for lists, setLICValue() does not commit values to the database and update the screen. The commitValues() method must be called to commit the values. For information about the commitValues() method, see Table 6 and Table 7.

You can use the getLICValue() and setLICValue() methods for preconfigured picklists, custom picklists, and cascading picklists are supported, but multi-select picklists are not supported. Calling the getLICValue() and setLICValue() methods on multi-select picklists or on non-picklist fields results in the same behavior as for the getValue() and setValue() methods, that is, the displayed (LDC) value is returned.

As an example, the Priority picklist on the Opportunity record type has LIC values: Low, Medium, High, which are displayed in French as Faible, Moyen, Eleve.

Therefore, if the user's language is French, and the Priority picklist field is set to Low:

  • getValue() returns Faible
  • getLICValue() returns Low

For some preconfigured picklist fields such as Industry (on the Account record type), Sales Stage (on Opportunity), and Role (on various record types) the LIC values are row ID values.

For these fields the getLICValue() method retrieves the row ID of the selected value for the picklist. For example:

  • Industry.getValue() returns High Technology
  • IndustryField.getLICValue() returns 1QA2-11RH89

The setLICValue() method allows you to set the picklist value using a row ID, for example:


When set, the on-screen value is updated to the display value associated with the row ID.

You can determine the row ID for each value in the fields by using browser developer tools as described in Finding Field Names.

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