Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales Administration Guide > Using Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales > Working with Leads >

Converting Leads

You can convert qualified leads from within Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales in a similar manner as in Oracle CRM On Demand. You can convert leads into accounts, contacts, and opportunities. Before converting a lead, make sure it is qualified. For more information, see Qualifying Leads.

NOTE:  To perform this procedure, your user role must include the Convert Leads privilege. The destination record type (account, contact, and opportunity) must have the Has Access and Can Create check boxes selected. Your administrator must enable this feature before use. See Enabling Lead Conversion.

To convert a lead

  1. From the Lead detail page, tap the menu icon (lll).
  2. Choose Convert Lead.
  3. To create new account and contact records for this lead, select the Auto-create New Account and Auto-create New Contact options.
  4. To create a new opportunity and link the opportunity to an existing account and contact, select the Use Existing Account and Use Existing Contact options.
  5. Complete the remaining fields.
  6. Tap Save.
  7. Navigate back to the Lead detail page.
Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales Administration Guide, Version 1.4.21 Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.