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The Dashboard Homepage shows a list of the dashboards that are available to you. Dashboards can display saved requests, images, charts, tables, text from Oracle CRM On Demand Answers, and links to Web sites and documents. A dashboard consists of one or more pages, which appear as tabs across the top of the dashboard.

Oracle CRM On Demand provides prebuilt dashboards. In addition, users who have the Manage Dashboards privilege in their role can create interactive dashboards that provide customized views of corporate and external information. If your role has this privilege, you can use the Dashboard Editor in Oracle CRM On Demand Answers to add content to an interactive dashboard by dragging and dropping the content from a selection pane to the dashboard layout page. The layout page consists of columns to align the content, and each column contains sections that hold the content. The appearance of a dashboard, such as the background colors and the size of text, is controlled by styles. You can also change the dashboard appearance, using the cosmetic formatting dialog box.

While viewing dashboards you can also:

NOTE: You cannot change the prebuilt dashboards provided in Oracle CRM On Demand, but you can hide them. For more information, see Displaying Dashboards.

Interactive dashboards can contain three types of content:

  • Dashboard objects
  • Content that is saved in the Oracle CRM On Demand Presentation Catalog
  • Views of folders in the Oracle CRM On Demand Presentation Catalog

Restrictions That Apply When Creating or Viewing Dashboards

When creating or viewing interactive dashboards, note the following restrictions:

  • A user who creates or edits an interactive dashboard can add any reports to the dashboard to which he or she has access.

    The reports are stored in folders. Access to these folders is determined by user roles. The Manage Dashboard privilege allows users to create and edit interactive dashboards. It does not include the Manage Custom Reports privilege. The Manage Custom Reports privilege provides full access to all report subfolders and reports under the Company Wide Shared Folder. For more information about folder visibility, see the Reports and Setting Up User Visibility to Shared Report Folders topics.

  • The reports that are added to the interactive dashboards might not be visible to all users in the company. Access to reports depends on the user role.

    If a user’s role does not allow the user to view a certain report on a dashboard, then an error message is displayed on the dashboard.

  • If a report is deleted after it has been added to a dashboard, a user editing the dashboard sees an exclamation mark (!) beside the report name in the Dashboard Editor. If a user is viewing the dashboard, then an error message is displayed.
  • The periods in your reports might be based on your company's fiscal calendar, which might differ from a standard calendar. For example, your company's fiscal year might begin on June 1 of each calendar year. If your company has recently changed its fiscal calendar year in Oracle CRM On Demand, then review historical analyses with caution if they span multiple years. If data in your reports is based on your previous fiscal calendar, then it cannot be aligned with data using a new fiscal calendar.

The following table describes the terms in the Dashboard Editor in Oracle CRM On Demand Answers.




Columns are used to align the content on a dashboard. The sections within columns hold the content. You can create as many columns on a dashboard page as you want. Every new dashboard page automatically contains one empty column with one empty section in it. The columns used in dashboards are not related to the columns used in reports.

Dashboard Objects

Dashboard objects are items that are used only in a dashboard. Examples of dashboard objects are sections that hold content and navigation links.


Folders are organizational constructs that hold content saved in the Oracle CRM On Demand Presentation Catalog, such as requests created with Oracle CRM On Demand Answers. A folder is similar to a UNIX directory or a Microsoft Windows folder.


Pages contain the columns and sections that hold the content of a dashboard. Every dashboard has at least one page. In the Dashboard Editor, pages are identified by tabs across the top of the dashboard. Multiple pages are used to organize content. For example, you might have the following pages:

  • One page to store results from Oracle CRM On Demand Answers, which you refer to every day
  • One page that contains links to the Web sites of your suppliers
  • One page that links to your corporate intranet


Results, also called reports, are the output returned from the Oracle CRM On Demand server. The results match the request criteria specified using Oracle CRM On Demand Answers. The default format for viewing results in a dashboard is to show them in a table. Results can also be shown in other formats, such as charts. You can examine and analyze results, save or print them, or download them to a spreadsheet.


Sections appear in columns in the dashboard layout. They hold the content that you drag and drop from the selection pane and that you use to organize the content within a column.


Styles control how dashboards and results are formatted for display, such as the color of text and links, the font and font size, the borders in tables, the colors and attributes of charts, and so on. Styles are organized into folders that contain cascading style sheets (files with a .css extension), images, and chart templates. You can override some elements in the style sheets, such as the table borders and text size, when formatting results in Oracle CRM On Demand Answers.

Presentation Catalog

The Oracle CRM On Demand Presentation Catalog stores the content created using Oracle CRM On Demand Answers. The types of content stored in the Presentation Catalog include:

  • Requests created with Oracle CRM On Demand Answers
  • Filters that are applied to results
  • Information about dashboards

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information:

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