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About the Relationship Between Sample Transactions and Sample Inventory

The following table shows the relationship between sample transactions, transaction types, and the impact on the sample inventory for sales representatives.

NOTE: Transfer Out and Inventory Adjustment (samples lost and found) are user-generated transactions. Oracle CRM On Demand generates Disbursement and Transfer In transaction types.

Sample Transaction Record


Transaction Type

Sample Inventory Impact

Disbursement Transaction

Transactions where the sales representative submits and drops off samples. Oracle CRM On Demand generates disbursement transactions automatically whenever sales representatives drop off samples during sales calls. For more information, see Viewing Disbursement Transactions.


Sample transactions of type Disbursement are subtracted from a sales representative's sample inventory.

Received Transaction

Transactions where the sales representative receives samples. Users must acknowledge the receipt of samples. For more information, see Acknowledging Receipt of the Sample Inventory.

Transfer In

Sample transactions of type Transfer In are added to a sales representative's sample inventory.

Sent Transaction

Transactions in which the sales representative transfers samples to another user or sends unused samples to headquarters. For more information, see Creating a Samples Transfer.

Transfer Out

Sample Transactions of type Transfer Out are subtracted from a sales representative's sample inventory.

Adjustment Transaction

Transactions created by the sales representative to reconcile discrepancies between the physical counts of samples and records in Oracle CRM On Demand. For more information, see Adjusting Sample Transactions.

Inventory Adjustment

Sample Transactions of type Inventory Adjustment are added or subtracted from a sales representative's inventory as required. For example:

Sample transactions of type Inventory Adjustment and with an adjustment reason of Found are added to a sales representative's sample inventory. In this case, the value in the Quantity field for the transaction item is treated as a positive number.

Lost Transaction

Transactions created by the sales representative to record samples that have been lost. Lost sample transactions are submitted as adjustments. For more information, see Creating Lost and Found Sample Transactions.

Inventory Adjustment, with a reason of Lost

Sample transactions of type Inventory Adjustment and with an adjustment reason of Lost are subtracted from a sales representative's sample inventory. In this case, the value in the Quantity field for the transaction item is treated as a negative number.

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