Slow Start Fast Start Prerequisites

To perform Fast Start/Slow Start translations, you need to have a standard two-interface configuration already in place.

If you are using the Slow Start to Fast Start translations, you must configure appropriate entries in the media profiles list which is part of the translation parameters. The Fast STart/Slow Start Translations section of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller Feature chapter describes how the media profiles are used. The list contains the names of media profiles that you configure in the media profile configuration.

Some media profiles are configured by default. If the information you have configured for a media profile collides with the defaults, then your configured ones are loaded. If there are no collisions, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller loads the configured and default profiles. The default media profiles are:

Type Payload Encoding Bandwidth
audio 0 PCMU 0
audio 2 G726-32 0
audio 4 G723 0
audio 8 PCMA 0
audio 9 G722 0
audio 15 G728 0
audio 18 G729 0
audio 101 telephone-events 0

Ensure that you use the name of a configured media profile when you enter values in the media profiles list.