Fast Start/Slow Start Configurations

When you configure an H.323 interface, you configure it for either Fast Start to Slow Start translation or for Slow Start to Fast Start translation. You cannot configure one H.323 interface for both translation modes.

In the ACLI, you will set the following:

fs-in-first-msg       Fast Start must be sent in 1st response to Setup message
call-start-fast       Enable outgoing Fast Start call
call-start-slow       Enable outgoing Slow Start call
media-profiles        list of default media profiles used for outgoing call

To configure H.323 interfaces for Fast Start/Slow Start translations:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the session-related configurations.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type h323 and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# h323
  4. Type h323-stacks and press Enter.
    ORACLE(h323)# h323-stacks

    From this point, you can configure H.323 interface and service mode parameters. To view all H.323 interface parameters, enter a ? at the system prompt. The display also includes H.323 service mode parameters.

  5. fs-in-first-msg—Enable this parameter if you want to include Fast Start fields in the first message that the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses to respond to a Setup message. Usually, the first message sent is a Proceeding message If you do not want Fast Start fields included, leave this parameter set to its default value disabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  6. call-start-fast—Enable this parameter if you want Slow Start calls to be translated to Fast Start when this H.323 interface is chosen as the outgoing interface. If this parameter is enabled, call-start-slow has to remain disabled. The default value is enabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

      If you set this parameter set to disabled (default), the outgoing call will be set up in the same mode as the incoming call.

  7. call-start-slow—Enable this parameter if you want Fast Start calls to be translated to Slow Start when this H.323 interface is chosen as the outgoing interface. If this parameter is enabled, call-start-fast has to remain disabled. The default value is disabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

      If you leave this parameter set to disabled, the outgoing call will be set up in the same mode as the incoming call.

  8. media-profiles—Enter the list of media profiles that you want to use when translating Slow Start calls to Fast Start. This information is used to open logical channels for the outgoing call.

    If you enter the name of a media profile that does not exist, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will not perform translation. If you leave this parameter empty, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will not perform translation.