Early Media Call (recording not required)

The following illustration shows an early media call using selective recording with recording optional.

Call Flow Description
① UA-A sends INVITE to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. ⑩ UA-B responds with OK to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.
Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller forwards INVITE to UA-B. Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller forwards OK to UA-A.
③ UA-B sends 180 and SDP to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends re-INVITE with SDP and metadata 
 changes to SRS.
Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends INVITE with SDP and metadata to SRS. ⑬ SRS responds with OK to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.
⑤ SRS responds with OK to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. ⑭ UA-A sends BYE to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.
Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends 180 with SDP to UA-A. Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller responds with OK to UA-A.
⑦ RTP stream initiated between Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and UA-A. Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends BYE to UA-B.
⑧ RTP stream initiated between Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and UA-B. ⑰ UA-B responds with OK to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.
⑨ RTP stream initiated between Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and SRS. Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends BYE to SRS.
  ⑲ SRS responds with OK to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.