REFER Pass-Through Call (REFER handled by User Agent)

The following illustration shows a REFER pass-through call using selective recording and the User Agent (UA) handling the REFER on the call. Recording is required in this call flow.

Call Flow Description
1 - UA-A sends INVITE to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. 18 - UA-C responds with OK to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.
2 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller forwards INVITE with SDP Offer and metadata to SRS. 19 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller forwards OK response to UA-B.
3 - SRS responds with OK to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. 20 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends NOTIFY with OK reponse to UA-A.
4 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends INVITE to UA-B. 21 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends re-INVITE to SRS with new SDP and metadata, adds participant C, stops participant A .
5 - UA-B responds with OK to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. 22 - SRS responds with OK to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.
6 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends re-INVITE with SDP and metadata changes to SRS. 23 - UA-A sends BYE to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.
7 - SRS responds with OK to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. 24 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller responds with OK to UA-A.
8 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller forwards OK response to UA-A. 25 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller responds with OK to UA-A.
9 - RTP stream initiated between UA-A and Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. 26 - RTP stream initiated between Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and UA-B.
10 - RTP stream initiated between Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and UA-B. 27 - RTP stream initiated between Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and UA-C.
11 - RTP stream initiated between Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and SRS. 28 - RTP stream initiated between Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and SRS.
12 - UA-A sends REFER-TO: C to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. 29 - UA-C sends BYE to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.
13 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller forwards REFER-TO: C to UA-B. 30 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller responds with OK to UA-C.
14 - UA-B responds with 202 ACCEPTED to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. 31 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends BYE to UA-B.
15 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller forwards 202 ACCEPTED to UA-A. 32 - UA-B responds with OK to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.
16 - UA-B sends INVITE TO: C to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. 33 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends BYE to SRS
17 - Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends INVITE to UA-C. 34 - SRS responds with OK to Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.