Running Setup

Use the following procedure to run the Installation Wizard to configure the Web Server and setup your Web GUI.

To run the Installation Wizard:

  1. In Superuser mode, enter run setup and press Enter.
    ORACLE# run setup


    The Installation Wizard can also be invoked by the run setup quiet command which enables a less verbose presentation.

    The following displays.

    Thank you for purchasing the Oracle SBC. The following
    short wizard will guide you through the initial set-up.
    '?' = Help; '.' = Clear; 'q' = Exit
    WARNING: Proceeding with wizard will result in existing configuration being erased.
      Erase config and proceed (yes/no) [no]               :

    You can use:

    • ?’ key to obtain query-specific help
    • .’ key to clear the field of the current setting.
    • q’ key to exit the wizard at any location in the setup process. Initiating the q displays the following prompt:
      Discarding changes and quitting wizard. Are you sure? [y/n]?:
      Enter y to discard any changes and quit the installation wizard. The root prompt displays.

    A “Warning” displays stating that using the wizard can overwrite (erase) the existing running configuration. If you want to back out of the setup process and not overwrite the current running configuration, you can enter q or enter No at the Erase config and proceed prompt. The root prompt displays.

  2. Enter yes at the prompt to continue the setup process, and press Enter.
    Erase config and proceed (yes/no) [no] 	:yes

    The following displays.

    Configuration will be backed up as bkup_setup_wizard_<MMM>_<DD>_<YY>_<HH>_<MM>_<SSS>.gz
    '-' = Previous; '?' = Help; '.' = Clear; 'q' = Exit
    If you want to allow GUI to access this SBC, enable this setting
    Enable Web GUI (yes/no) [yes] 	:

    You can use:

    -’ key to navigate to the previous step in the setup process, if required, and change your response.

  3. Enter yes and press Enter. Or enter no to disable the Web GUI and press Enter.
    Enable Web GUI (yes/no) [yes] 	:yes

    The following displays.

    Choose which mode to enable for the web GUI
      Web GUI Mode
         1 - basic
         2 - expert
        Enter choice [1 - basic] 	: