Configure Local Routing

The local routing configuration is an element in the ACLI session-router path, where you configure a name for the local route table, the filename of the database corresponding to this table, and the prefix length (significant digits/bits) to be used for lookup.

To configure local routing:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal, and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router, and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type local-routing-config,and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# local-routing-config
  4. name—Enter the name (a unique identifier) for the local route table; this name is used for reference in the local policy attributes when to specify that local routing should be used. There is no default for this parameter, and it is required.
  5. file-name—Enter the name for the file from which the database corresponding to this local route table will be created. You should use the .gz format, and the file should be placed in the /code/lrt/ directory. There is no default for this parameter and it is required.
  6. prefix-length—Enter the number of significant digits/bits to used for lookup and cache storage. The default value is 0. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—999999999

  7. Save and activate your configuration.

    The following example displays a typical local routing configuration.

            name                           lookup
            file-name                      abc.xml.gz
            prefix-length                  3