Using Filters when Monitoring Session Agents

You can configure the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (E-SBC) to perform filtering of SIP session data for session agent (SA) configurations. You must specify the hostname of the SA and the filter to use to perform the filtering, at the path Configure terminal > session-router > session-agentin the ACLI. For more information about creating a custom filter, see Creating a Custom Filter.

To configure filtering for a Session Agent:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the session router-related objects.
    ACMEPACKET(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-agent and press Enter to access the session agent-related attributes.
    ACMEPACKET(session-router)# session-agent
  4. Type select and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET(session-agent)# select

    hostname—Specify the hostname of the session agent to which you want to apply the custom filter(s).

    ACMEPACKET(session-agent)# hostname SA1

    monitoring-filters—Enter the custom filter name(s) you want to use when monitoring on a global-basis. You can enter multiple filter names in a comma-separated list (with no spaces) if required. To add to an existing filter list, use the “+” before the filter name you are adding. Use a “-” to remove filter names. Enter an * (asterisk) to filter all SIP session data.

    ACMEPACKET(session-agent)# monitoring-filters FILTER1,FILTER2
    ACMEPACKET(session-agent)# monitoring-filters FILTER1,FILTER2 +FILTER3
    ACMEPACKET(session-agent)# monitoring-filters FILTER1,FILTER2 -FILTER3
    ACMEPACKET(session-agent)# monitoring-filters *


    If you enter the * with a filter name, the filter name is ignored and the E-SBC uses the * to filter all session data.
  5. Enter done to save the configuration.
    ACMEPACKET(session-agent)# done
  6. Enter exit to exit the session-agent configuration.
    ACMEPACKET(session-agent)# exit
  7. Enter done to save the configuration.
    ACMEPACKET(session-router)# done
  8. Enter exit to exit the session-router configuration.
    ACMEPACKET(session-router)# exit
  9. Enter exit to exit the configure mode.
    ACMEPACKET(configure)# exit
  10. Enter save-config to save the configuration.
    ACMEPACKET# save-config
  11. Enter activate-config to activate the configuration.
    ACMEPACKET# activate-config