SIP Interface Options

The following table lists the SIP interface options supported by the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.

Option Description
100rel-interworking Enables RFC 3262, Reliability of Provisional Responses in the Session Initiation Protocol support.
contact-endpoint=<endpoint name> The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller inserts the endpoint IP address and port into the Contact headers as messages egress using that SIP interface. The inserted data is the same as the information received in the Request or Response being forwarded.

If the endpoint name is not specified, the default value endpoint is used.

contact-firewall=<firewall name> The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller inserts the firewall IP address and port into the Contact headers as messages egress using that SIP interface. The inserted data is the same as the information received in the Request or Response being forwarded.

If the endpoint name is not specified, the default value firewall is used.

contact-vlan=<VLAN/realm name> The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllerinserts the realm and VLAN ID into the Contact headers as messages egress using that SIP interface. The inserted data is the same as the information received in the Request or Response being forwarded.

If the endpoint name is not specified, the default value vlan is used.

dropResponse The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller drops responses by specified status codes. The option value can contain one or more status codes separated by colons. Response code ranges can also be entered. If any of the response codes matches, then a response is not sent. If the dropResponse option is set in both the sip-interface and the session-agent elements, the session-agent setting takes precedence.


This feature screens all messages passing through SBC against the dropResponse list. If there is a hit, the response message is dropped. However, for error messages generated by the SBC, only the response messages generated after the initial routing is complete are screened against the dropResponse list.
max-udp-length=<maximum length> Sets the largest UDP packers that the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will pass. Packets exceeding this length trigger the establishment of an outgoing TCP session to deliver the packet; this margin is defined in RFC 3261. The system default for the maximum UDP packet length is 1500.

You can set the global SIP configuration’s max-udp-length=x option for global use in your SIP configuration, or you can override it on a per-interface basis by configuring this option in a SIP interface configuration.

response-for-not-found=<response code> Change the 404 Not Found generated by the SBC to a different response code.
strip-route-headers Causes the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to disregard and strip all route headers for requests received on a SIP interface.
upd-fallback When a request needs to be sent out on the SIP interface for which you have configured this option, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller first tries to send it over TCP. If the SIP endpoint does not support TCP, however, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller falls back to UDP and tries the request again.
via-header-transparency Enables the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to insert its Via header on top of the top-most Via header received from user equipment (UE). It then forwards it on to the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) core with the original Via header now located as the bottom-most Via header.

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller still replaces the Contact and other header addresses with its own, and does not pass on the core’s Via headers in outbound requests.

use-redirect-route Use Route parameter in Contact header as next-hop as received in a 3xx response.
reg-via-proxy Enables your Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to support endpoints that register using an intervening proxy.
lmsd-interworking Enables 3GPP2 LMSD Interworking.
suppress-reinvite Enables reINVITE supression.