Show Commands for Session Agents Interfaces and Realms

The following show commands for Session Agents, interfaces and realms allow you to display recent and total statistics about the SIP methods used during Survivability mode:

  • show survivability agents <hostname><method_name>
  • show survivability interface <realm-id><method_name>
  • show survivability realms <realm-id><method_name>

For each of these commands you can specify the SIP method name for which you want to display statistics. SIP method names include:


The output for these commands display recent and total number of SIP Requests that occurred for a session agent, interface, or realm during a current time period window of 100 seconds, when Survivability mode was enabled.


To view the method names available, press the tab key after entering the command as shown in the following example.
ORACLE# show survivability agents net192<tab>
ack          bye          cancel       info         invite       message
notify       options      other        prack        publish      refer
register     subscribe    update

The following examples show the output of the show survivability commands for agents, interface, and realms.

If Survivability mode was never initiated, the outputs show values of zero (0) in all columns.

Session Agents

ORACLE# show survivability agents net192 refer
REFER (13:15:35-117)
                      --------- Server --------   --------- Client --------
Message/Event         Recent      Total  PerMax   Recent      Total  PerMax
                      ------  ---------  ------   ------  ---------  ------
REFER Requests             0          2       2        0          2       2
Retransmissions            0          0       0        0          0       0
202 Accepted               0          2       2        0          2       2
Transaction Timeouts       -          -       -        0          0       0
Locally Throttled          -          -       -        0          0       0
Avg Latency=0.000 for 0
Max Latency=0.000


ORACLE# show survivability interface net192 refer
REFER (13:15:35-117)
                      --------- Server --------   --------- Client --------
Message/Event         Recent      Total  PerMax   Recent      Total  PerMax
                      ------  ---------  ------   ------  ---------  ------
REFER Requests             0          2       2        0          2       2
Retransmissions            0          0       0        0          0       0
202 Accepted               0          2       2        0          2       2
Transaction Timeouts       -          -       -        0          0       0
Locally Throttled          -          -       -        0          0       0
Avg Latency=0.000 for 0
Max Latency=0.000


ORACLE# show survivability realms net192 refer
REFER (13:15:35-117)
                      --------- Server --------   --------- Client --------
Message/Event         Recent      Total  PerMax   Recent      Total  PerMax
                      ------  ---------  ------   ------  ---------  ------
REFER Requests             0          2       2        0          2       2
Retransmissions            0          0       0        0          0       0
202 Accepted               0          2       2        0          2       2
Transaction Timeouts       -          -       -        0          0       0
Locally Throttled          -          -       -        0          0       0
Avg Latency=0.000 for 0
Max Latency=0.000


The following table describes the output for the above commands.

Message/Event Description
<method_name> Requests Number of the specified Request events that occurred between the server and client during Survivability mode.
Retransmissions Number of retransmissions of specified Request message that occurred during Survivability.
<Response Code> Type and number of responses that occurred between the Client and Server during Surviability.
Transaction Timeouts Number of the specified Request event timeouts that occurred during Survivability.
Locally Throttled Number of the specified Request events that were locally throttled during Survivability. This is the number of ACK Request events that were transmitted during the regulation (slowing down) of network traffic by the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to minimize bandwidth congestion.
Avg Latency Average amount of time for the specified Request events to travel in the time period window of 100 seconds, for the amount of events specified, during Survivability.
Max Latency Maximum amount of time it took for the specified Request events to travel in the time period window of 100 seconds during Survivability.