Realm Service Profile

The parameters you configure to establish the realm service profile determine how bandwidth resources are used and how media is treated in relation to the realm. Bandwidth constraints set for realm service profiles support the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s admission control feature.

Peer-to-peer media between endpoints can be treated in one of three different ways:

  • Media can be directed between sources and destinations within this realm on this specific Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. Media travels through the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller rather than straight between the endpoints.
  • Media can be directed through the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller between endpoints that are in different realms, but share the same subnet.
  • For SIP only, media can be released between multiple Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers.

    To enable SIP distributed media release, you must set the appropriate parameter in the realm configuration. You must also set the SIP options parameter to media-release with the appropriate header name and header parameter information. This option defines how the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller encodes IPv4 address and port information for media streams described by, for example, SDP.

    To configure realm service profile:

  1. max-bandwidth—Enter the total bandwidth budget in kilobits per second for all flows to/from the realm defined in this element. The default is 0 which allows for unlimited bandwidth. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—4294967295

  2. mm-in-realm—Enable this parameter to treat media within this realm on this Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. The default is disabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  3. mm-in-network—Enable this parameter to treat media within realms that have the same subnet mask on this Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. The default is enabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  4. msm-release—Enable or disable the inclusion of multi-system (multiple Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers) media release information in the SIP signaling request sent into the realm identified by this realm-config element. If this field is set to enabled, another Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller is allowed to decode the encoded SIP signaling request message data sent from a SIP endpoint to another SIP endpoint in the same network to resore the original SDP and subsequently allow the media to flow directly between those two SIP endpoints in the same network serviced by multiple Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers. If this field is disabled, the media and signaling will pass through boht Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers. Remember that for this feature to work, you must also set the options parameter in the SIP configuration accordingly. The default is disabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled