Online Certificate Status Protocol

The Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is defined in RFC 2560, X.509 Internet Public Key Infrastructure Online Certificate Status Protocol - OCSP. The protocol enables users to determine the revocation state of a specific certificate, and may provide a more efficient source of revocation information than is possible with Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL).

The protocol specifies the data exchanged between an OCSP client (for example, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller) and an OCSP responder, the Certification Authority (CA), or its delegate, that issued the target certificate. An OCSP client issues a request to an OCSP responder and suspends acceptance of the certificate in question until the responder replies with a certificate status.

Certificate status is reported as

  • good
  • revoked
  • unknown

good indicates a positive response to the status inquiry. At a minimum, this positive response indicates that the certificate is not revoked, but does not necessarily mean that the certificate was ever issued or that the time at which the response was produced is within the certificate’s validity interval.

revoked indicates that the certificate has been revoked, either permanently or temporarily.

unknown indicates that the responder cannot identify the certificate.