Routing-based RN and CIC

When the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller performs local policy routing, it selects local policy entries based on from addresses, to addresses, and source realms. All three are configurable in the local policy configuration. The to addresses can either be the username in a Request-URI (if it is an E.164/phone number format), or the request-URI’s hostname or IP address. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sorts matching local policies based on policy attribute entries. A policy attribute defines a next hop, which can be a session agent or a session agent group. Alternatively, the next hop might define an ENUM server group or local route table to use to find the next hop.

If the routing-based RN and CIC feature is not enabled, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller performs the subsequent ENUM query or local route table lookup using the Request-URI’s username, if it is a telephone number (TN). The TN is the normalized user part of the Request-URI, ignoring any user parameters or non-digit characters.

If the routing-based RN and CIC feature is enabled, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller instead performs the ENUM or local route table lookup based on a user parameter, which is useful for lookups based on routing number (RN) or carrier identification code (CIC):

  • An RN is a number that identifies terminating switch nodes in Number Portability scenarios when the original TN has been moved to the switch defined by the RN.
  • A CIC is the globally unique number of the terminating carrier to which a ported number has been moved.

In applications where the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller is given the RN or the CIC in the Request-URI, this feature is useful because the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller can perform an additional ENUM or local route table lookup to find the next hop to the RN or the CIC. Typically, ENUM servers have imported Number Portability data with which to respond to the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller query, and (for example) the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller can use local route tables for storing CIC values for direct carrier hand-off.

Even with this feature enabled, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller still performs local policy match selection based on the TN. This feature only uses the RN or CIC user-parameter for the ENUM or local route table lookup after the local policy and policy attributes have been selected.