OCSR Status Monitoring

OCSR monitoring is provided to track the reachability of individual OCSRs, and, in topologies containing multiple OCSRs, the overall availability of OCSR service.

If monitoring is enabled for individual OCSRs, reachability is monitored by observing responder transactions.

Initially, all OCSRs are considered reachable. If a previously reachable OCSR fails to respond to a certificate status request, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller marks the OCSR as unreachable, and generates an SNMP trap and log entry indicating that status. If a previously unreachable OCSR respond to a certificate status request, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller returns the OCSR to the reachable status, and generates an SNMP trap and log entry indicating that status change.

Use the following procedure to enable monitoring of individual OCSRs.

  1. Navigate to the new security-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal 
    ORACLE(configure)# security# 
    ORACLE(security)# security-config 
  2. Enable monitoring of individual OCSRs by setting the ocsr-monitoring-traps attribute to enabled; this attribute is disabled by default.
    ORACLE(security-config)# ocsr-monitoring-traps enabled 
  3. Use done, exit, and verify-config to complete required configuration.

    Reachability status of individual OCSRs is aggregated to monitor the overall availability of OCSR service. Using the procedure explained above, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller maintains a count of all OCSRs, and of all reachable OCSRs.

    • If all OCSRs are reachable, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller generates a trap and log entry noting this optimal state.
    • If all OCSRs are unreachable, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller generates a trap and log entry noting this erroneous state.
    • When the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller transitions from either of the two states described above (in the optimal state, when an OCSR becomes unreachable; in the erroneous state, when an unreachable OCSR becomes reachable), the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller generates a trap and log entry indicating that an unspecified number of OCSRs are reachable.

    Monitoring of OCSR service availability is a by-product of enabling SNMP; no further configuration is required.