Advanced Logging

Advanced Logging allows targeted logging by overriding log levels, so that only a specific SIP request and its related messages get logged. The system matches criteria that you configure to determine which requests to log. The system also logs all messages related to the request, such as any responses, in-dialog messages, media, timers, and so on. Advanced Logging supports multiple matching criteria for incoming requests and rate limiting. Advanced log files are smaller than debug files because the system logs only the specified number of matches in the specified period of time. Since the files are smaller, Advanced Logging uses fewer system resources than debug logging. To make searching easier, the system labels each log.

You can deploy advanced logging by way of configuration. You configure the sip-advanced-logging element and adv-log-conditions subelement on the session router according to the logging targets.

You can control when logging occurs by enabling or disabling individual advanced logging objects using the state parameter. This allows you to retain advanced logging configurations on the system and simply start and stop logging against those objects when needed.

By executing the notify sipd conditional-log disable command, you can disable the ability to trigger all of the configured sip-advanced-logging objects.

ORACLE#notify sipd conditional-log-disable

Any active sip-advance-logging instances continue to log because the command only disables the ability to trigger new instances. You can restore the ability to trigger new instances for all sip-advance-logging objects with the notify sipd conditional-log-enable command .

The system provides the following options for configuring the scope of advanced logging.
  • Request-only. Logs only the matched message.
  • Transaction. Logs only the request and the response.
  • Session. Logs the matched message and anything else related to the session.
  • Session and Media. Logs the matched message, anything related to the session, and media.
The system provides the following options for configuring the advanced logging criteria.
  • Received Session-Agent, by IP address or hostname.
  • Request Types, such as INVITE vs. SUBSCRIBE.
  • Received Realm Name.
  • Request URI. User and host. Limited to 2 condition entries, when using both types.
  • To header. User and host. Limited to 2 condition entries, when using both types.
  • From header. User and host. Limited to 2 condition entries, when using both types.
  • Call-id. Matches the Call-id header.
  • Rate Limiting. By specified number of matched requests over a specified period of time.
  • Scope of Logging. Options include Request Only, Transaction, All Relating to Session, All Relating to Session and Media.

When you enable a sip-adv-logging object, applicable events trigger this logging by the Sipd (SIP signaling) process, resulting in log messages from it. The Sipd process also propagates advanced logging to the Atcpd (TCP connections), Ebmd (bandwidth managment), Lrtd (local routing table), Radd (accounting), and Middle Box Control Daemon (MBCD) processes, resulting in additional log messages from them. In addition, Mbcd events, including asynchronous 2833, flowguard timer and latching events, can propagate conditional logging to Sipd, resulting in log messages from Sipd.

Behavior During High Availability Synchronization

When the system is synchronizing a thread at the same time that thread is performing advanced logging, this logging continues on the standby while the replication takes place. This logging on the standby, however, stops after replication is complete, with the exception of sip-sessions and media flows.

Threads associated with sip-sessions and flows continue to store their logging state after replication. The logging state is stored in either the session or flow. When a switchover happens while a thread is processing one of these sessions or flows, the system finds the stored logging state and continues logging even though the event was triggered on the other node of the HA pair.